Expungement Process for Honolulu, HI
What is an expungement?
If you are arrested or charged with, but not convicted of a crime, you can apply to have that arrest expunged from your criminal record. Your arrest must meet certain criteria as specified by Hawaii Revised Statutes Section 831-3.2 with the following form Expungement of Non-Conviction Arrest Records – HCJDC-159.
If you have an Expungement Court Order for Conviction for either Driving Under the Influence, Under the Age of Twenty-One (HRS 291E-64), or First-Time Drug Related/Property Offender (HRS 706-622.5, HRS 706-622.8, and HRS 706-622.9), you may apply for an Expungement with the following form Expungement for Arrest Records Conviction of First-Time Drug Related/Property Offender and/or Driving Under the Influence – HCJDC-159(a).
Arrest records that have been expunged from your criminal record are confidential and are not available to the general public.
How much does an expungement cost?
There is a $35.00 fee for a First-Time expungement and $50.00 for a Non-First-Time Expungement. A $10 non-refundable administrative fee is included in this amount.
How do I submit payment for an expungement?
Payment is made by money order or cashier’s check made payable to the “State of Hawaii”.
If the Expungement form is submitted in person at the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center, your form and payment should be placed in a sealed envelope and deposited into the Drop Box located in Room 102, at the front counter.
Mail Expungement Form and Payment to:
Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center
Expungement Section
465 S. King St. #102
Honolulu, HI. 96813
How long does the expungement take?
An expungement can take up to 120 days (approximately 4 months). You will receive a certificate when the expungement is completed. Until that time, the qualifying arrests will remain on your criminal record. The certificate will state which arrests have been expunged from your criminal record.
What does not qualify for an expungement?
- Charges without final dispositions.
- Charges with guilty dispositions, except for Driving Under the Influence, Under the Age of Twenty-One (HRS 291E-64), and First-Time Drug Related/Property Offender convictions (HRS 706-622.5, HRS 706-622.8, and HRS 706-622.9), which must be submitted with an Expungement Court Order with the following form Expungement for Arrest Records Conviction of First-Time Drug Related/Property Offender and/or Driving Under the Influence Under Age of Twenty-One – HCJDC-159(a).
- Charges resulting in acquittals by reason of insanity or mental incapacity.
- Charges with less than one (1) year from dismissal of a deferred acceptance of guilty or no contest pleas.
- Prostitution (HRS 712-1200) charges with less than four (4) years from dismissal of deferred acceptance of guilty or no contest pleas.
URL: http://ag.hawaii.gov/hcjdc/expungements/
Phone: (808) 587-3348