Memphis Self-Sufficiency Program
Memphis Self-Sufficiency Program2018-11-092018-11-09
Self-Sufficiency Program
The Shelby County Community Services Agency’s Self-Sufficiency Program offers support that will promote, empower and nurture families or individuals. These services include but are not limited to case management, information/referral, advocacy, family and/or individual counseling and voucher assistance. The goals of the program are:
- Coordinate and establish linkages between governmental and other social services programs to assure the effective delivery of such services to low-income individuals
- Encourage the use of entities in the private sector of the community in an effort to relieve or remedy poverty conditions in the community
- Provide a range of services and activities having a measurable and potentially major impact on the causes of poverty in the community or those areas of the community where poverty is a particularly acute problem
- Provide activities designed to assist low-income participants
- Provide on an emergency basis such supplies and services, nutritious food, and related services as may be necessary to counteract conditions and malnutrition among the poor
Address: 2670 Union Ext., Suite 500, Memphis, TN 38112
Ph: (901) 222-4200