Knoxville – Knox County Community Action Committee (CAC) Maybe your rent or mortgage is temporarily delayed, but you aren’t sure how you’ll afford to pay when the bills are due? [...]
Their goal is to be the provider of choice for short-term and Critical Financial Assistance, long-term stability and recurring support programs to military families. SHORT-TERM CRITICAL FINANCIAL [...]
First Street Methodist Mission is provided by First United Methodist Church, Fort Worth, Texas and is located two blocks north of the church. Devoted to serving people in need, First Street […]
To provide assistance with COVID-19, Comp-U-Dopt has started a weekly computer lottery. The drawing will occur every Friday at 12 PM CST. There is no need to register each week. […]
The Dallas Public Library is temporarily closed, but still offers a variety of services online. Services Include: Resume Assistance, information about filing for unemployment benefits, job sites, [...]
U-HAUL Offers 30 Days Free Self- Storage amid Coronavirus Outbreak The free month applies to new customers with college IDs and is a limited-time offer subject to availability. Please visit […]
Texas Diaper Bank: The organization continues to assist babies, seniors and others during the COVID 19 outbreak with diapers and other needed items. Please visit the website for more […]
Beginning Thursday, 5/7/2020, the Shelby County Health Department will give away fabric face masks at Shelby County Health Department locations around Shelby County. People can pick up masks, one [...]
Metro Public Health Department (MPHD) Beginning May 6, the Metro Public Health Department (MPHD) will offer free cloth masks at their health centers. The masks will be available Monday through [...]
MOST JOANN STORES are participating in the Take and Make masks with donated fabric and guidance. This is a free kit with supplies to make your own face mask. Due […]