Without the basic necessities you won’t be able to perform at your best academically. At Remington College we know that the journey can be a difficult one, that is why we have collected the resources below so that our students are aware of their options when times get tough. We are here for you and we know you can do it!
https://abc13.com/post/hurricane-beryl-victim-assistance-where-get-help-food/15043126/https://abc13.com/post/hurricane-beryl-victim-assistance-where-get-help-food/15043126/ Disaster Assistance Cooling Center Information
Haven House TN
Haven House is a shelter and advocacy provider for victims of domestic violence. 24/7 Hotline Emergency Shelter Children’s Services Court and Legal Advocacy Services Support Groups Phone: 865-982-1087 URL: https://www.havenhousetn.org/
Family Promise of Blount County
Our mission is to help families experiencing homelessness achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response. Family Shelter Transitional Housing Going Home, Staying Home Program Wheels to Work Program Address: 101 […]
Appalachian Ministries of the Smokies
CLOTHING & FOOD PANTRY The Clothing & Food Pantry serves Cocke, Grainger and Jefferson Counties in East Tennessee. Families may visit the Food Pantry one time per month for services. […]
Louisville Christian Assistance Center
FOOD & PERSONAL ITEMS DISTRIBUTION: Monday, Wednesday & Friday- 9 am to Noon CLOTHING AND BEDDING ITEMS SHOPPING: Tuesday and Thursday 5 pm to 7 pm Clients are allowed to […]
Volunteer Ministry Center
The Volunteer Ministry Center (VMC) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and offers specialized services to individuals experiencing homelessness and those within our community who are in crisis. VMC’s programs support […]
Center Faith Church Food Pantry
The Food Pantry is every other Saturday between the hours of 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM. All order forms must be received by the Thursday before, by no later than […]
Knox Area Rescue Ministries
Our Mission StatementWe seek to rescue the poor and needy of the Knox area by providing recovery services in Jesus’ name. Knox Area Rescue Ministries is here for you 24/7/365. […]
Knoxville Dream Center
The Knoxville Dream Center provides good food, authentic faith, and opportunities for a brighter future for those who need it most. Mobile Food Pantry– We have nine different locations to choose from, so please […]
Fountain City Ministry Center
Our goal is to provide emergency food, clothing, and spiritual assistance, and to foster deeper fellowship within our community. Our doors are open to all Knox County residents in the […]
Second Harvest Food Bank of East TN
Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee, a member of Feeding America, has worked to compassionately feed East Tennesseans experiencing hunger since 1982. Second Harvest distributes over 22 million pounds […]
FISH Hospitality Pantries
FISH Hospitality Pantries welcomes all guests. We do not require identification or limit how often our guests can visit. We provide food to all who come, regardless of ethnic background, religious […]
Ladies of Charity
Ladies of Charity of Knoxville’s programs are designed to support our community comprehensively. Our services include: providing food, clothing, newborn layettes, new housing/apt startup kits, personal care and hygiene items […]
What is this?The Free Formula Exchange is a nationwide mutual aid network connecting families who need baby formula to people who have formula to donate. This online tool is free […]
Hands of Hope
Hands of Hope is a full time street outreach to the unsheltered homeless in Tarrant and surrounding counties. We focus on those living in locations unsuitable for human habitation, whether […]
West Side Catholic Center- Cleveland
Food, Clothing, Shelter, Advocacy, Path to Self-Sufficiency Resource Center- Meals, monthly food distribution, clothing and household items, street survival services, outreach and advocacy, drug and alcohol assessment, expressive arts. Workforce […]
The Shepherd’s Market
We will serve the FIRST 45 families/individuals that come for food – rain or shine. Clients will only be able to shop for groceries once a month. Our focus area […]
Hopeful Solutions
Hopeful Solutions provides a home and support services for single mothers in need, as well as their children. We help mothers in need sustain sobriety, gain financial stability, and maintain […]
The Lullaby House
WE ARE HERE TO HELP.Our goal is to help teenage parents to break the cycle of poverty, abuse, neglect, and the dependency on social services. We offer an array of […]
One Way Deliverance Ministries Food Bank- Food Pantry
Who do We Serve? Food is provided to low-income families in the Baton Rouge and surrounding areas. When is the food bank open?. The food bank is open on Tuesdays […]
Help Out Center, Inc.
Our mission is to provide a place where food assistance helps out towards a brighter tomorrow. Help Out Center’s pantry reaches homes in Tarrant County. The Saturday pantry currently serves […]
St. Michael – Garland Food Pantry
The Food Pantry’s sole purpose is to provide food to persons in need that live within the five zip codes that border St. Michael’s church. We provide food to about […]
Lake Cities Community Food Pantry
Food Pantry and Community Aid FundTuesdays & Thursdays10am-1pm Food PantryAlso available the 1st Saturday of each month10am-12pm The Lake Cities Community Food Pantry is now open from 10am until 1pm. […]
Harmony Community Development Corporation
Mortgage Assistance Rent & Utility Assistance Counseling Support Groups Legal Services Career Pathway and Financial Pathway Programs Food Pantry – SERVING ALL ZIPCODES IN DALLAS COUNTY WITH NO RESTRICTIONS. Monday […]
Joe LeBlanc Food Pantry
Monthly AssistanceClients that meet the USDA poverty guidelines may register for monthly food assistance given out on the 3rd Saturday of every month + 1 additional meal during the holidays […]
Central Storehouse
WELCOME TO THE CENTRAL STOREHOUSE! The Central Storehouse is a food pantry ministry of Central Bible Church that seeks to be a source of personal hope and a resource for […]
4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry
Our Hours Fridays 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. 4Saints Episcopal Food Pantry will be open from 11am-1 pm each Friday.3021 E. Rosedale St. (at Wesleyan St.)Fort Worth, TX 76105 817-609-4122 Clients may receive food […]
Cedar Hill Shares
Our MissionCedar Hill Shares – the Food Pantry is a community-wide effort to alleviate hunger in our city. We pledge to provide food and other assistance, without discrimination, to eligible […]
YWCA Greater Cleveland- Norma Herr Women’s Center
YWCA Greater Cleveland is committed to advancing social and economic mobility. We recognize the systemic barriers to exiting homelessness such as racism, sexism, and ableism and every day YWCA staff […]
Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry Men’s Shelter- Cleveland
Serving up to 350 men per night with an additional 30-60 beds available at partner overflow sites. Referrals come from the Cuyahoga County Coordinated Intake and Assessment process. At the […]
Family Promise of Greater Cleveland
https://familypromisecle.org/ Family Promise offers a broad service mix to all its families. Each family receives the type, amount, and duration of services needed to help them achieve stability. Families with […]
St. Herman House- FOCUS Cleveland
St. Herman House’s mission is to shelter and support homeless men on the path to well-being and independence and meet the basic needs of people in our community. We have […]
Coalition for the Homeless- Houston
Programs offered: Bridge to Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Re-Housing, Homelessness Diversion, Auxiliary/Social Distancing Emergency Shelter, Mental Health Case Management, Enhanced Street Outreach, Permanent Supportive Housing Preservation and Income Support Program. […]
Green Street Church- Nashville
Meals are provided to the homeless community around Green Street on Wednesday evenings at 6:30. Tent Ministry is a site for individuals suffering through homelessness to set up camp in […]
The Bridge, Inc- Nashville
THE BRIDGE, INC. exists to alleviate the suffering of underprivileged children, the homeless, and the working poor by providing life-sustaining resources and a message of hope. The Bridge is housed in […]
Safe Haven Family Shelter- Nashville
Shelter-to-housing program in middle Tennessee that accommodates families experiencing homelessness. Our housing first model, coupled with transformative services provides families with the resources and tools to achieve lasting self-sufficiency, stable […]
Inspired Vision Compassion Center
Our VisionInspired Vision Compassion Center has a vision. Our vision is to change the spiritual, emotional and educational brokenness and poverty in the City of Dallas, and then to other […]
Northside Inter-Community Agency, Inc.
What We Do In addition to emergency assistance, and professional social work services for low-income individuals, families, youth, homeless, elderly, and disabled clients, NICA provides educational programs, and mentors at-risk youth. […]
The Metropolitan Dream Center, Inc.
The Metropolitan Dream Center (MDC) is open Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM. We have a food pantry, clothing area, and resource information. You will find some […]
Highland Center Ministries
Highland Blessing Dinner (offered on Thursdays) Free Tax Prep ( Mon., Wed., and Thurs. from 10:00am-2:00pm and 4:00pm-7:00pm) The Hand Up Loan (financial education, first time home buyers program, free […]
nextstep Women’s Center
Offers the following services free of charge: Pregnancy testing and ultrasound Option Services Social and Medical Referrals including – low cost clinics, health coverage, food pantries, housing, education, support groups […]
God’s Lovely Butterflies Maternity Home
Our Maternity Home/Boarding Home will service Teenage Mothers ranging from 11-17 years of age, and Pregnant Mothers ranging from 18-40 years of age. We will house the mother along with their newborn […]
United Christian Outreach Inc
United Christian Outreach can provide assistance with food, clothing, prescription expenses and financial assistance to individuals living within the city limits of Lafayette. Please contact the center for more information […]
Crowdsource Rescue
CrowdSource Rescue is a Houston-based disaster response non-profit. We are co-opting our rescue platform to use for the COVID-19 pandemic. We are partnered with several TX food banks and are […]
Hearts & Hands
A cooperative ministry of the Churches of Christ in Arlington. Hearts & Hands receives applications for service 10 – 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday mornings, and 6-7 p.m. on WednesdaysIt […]
Cornerstone Family Ministries
Weekly Food Delivery: We know that many of our folks are unable to get out to the grocery store for a variety of reasons, so we are partnering with our […]
Cy-Fair Helping Hands
Emergency Shelter and Food Pantry Cy-Fair Helping Hands continues serving the hungry during regular pantry hours (Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, & the 1st Saturday of the month from 9:30am- 12:30pm.) Emergency shelter for […]
The Way Back
The Way Back serves formerly incarcerated individuals and veterans. Must be 18 years or older Live in Dallas and surrounding counties Be willing to commit to a workforce readiness program […]
Cornerstone Baptist Church
Cornerstone Baptist offers several ministries that assists those in need: Clothes Closet Shower Facility Shower Facility and Clothes Closet are open every Thursday and Saturday and staffed by volunteers from […]
One Man’s Treasure
One Man’s Treasure seeks to empower men recently released from prison who come to the Dallas area by providing them with clothing and opportunities for networking. Please contact the organization […]
Rush Creek Compassion Center
The Rush Creek Compassion Center is offered through Rush Creek Church. Food Bank ( please see changes with hours due to COVID) English Classes ( offered at Arlington and Fort […]
Gloryland Food Pantry & Clothes Closet
The Pantry provides emergency food assistance and supplemental food to needy individuals residing in the 70805 & 70806 zip code zones who meet specific eligibility and income requirements. Applicants must […]
Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church
Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church has several nonprofit organizations and ministries that work to provide assistance with financial and support services to the community and those in need. These organizations and […]
Christian Rescue Mission
City Fellowship Church Christian Rescue Mission Address: 3229 Hadley St # A, Houston, TX 77004 Phone: 713-659-7750
First Street Methodist Mission
First Street Methodist Mission is provided by First United Methodist Church, Fort Worth, Texas and is located two blocks north of the church. Devoted to serving people in need, First Street […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Houston Food Pantry
Heights Interfaith Ministries Food Pantry The Pantry is open: Thursdays from 5pm to 7pm Saturdays from 10am to 12:00pm Each client MUST bring a photo I.D. and a piece of […]
Free Beds for Kids- Sleep in Heavenly Peace
Description: We’re a national organization answering the call to a national problem. We fully believe that a bed is a basic need for the proper physical, emotional, and mental support that a […]
COVID-19 Resources- Mobile Food Pantry Free Food on Saturday, April 25, 2020- Memphis
Description: Mobile Food Bank: Free Food Location: New Salem Baptist Church 2237 S Parkway East Memphis on Saturday, April 25, starting at 10:00am. Phone: 901-452-7265 **Pre-Register on website. URL: http://www.newsalembaptist.com/mobilefoodpantry
COVID-19 Resources: Harvest Hope Food Bank
Description: Assistance search. URL: https://www.harvesthope.org/
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Food for Students
In response to schools being closed due to COVID-19, some of the public school systems are providing students with breakfast and lunch. Bossier Parish Public Schools Bossier Schools will reinstate […]
COVID-19 Resource: Homeless Shelter Directory
URL: https://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/
COVID-19 Resources: Meal Pick-Up Search for Texas Schools
Description: Free school meal pick-up locator. URL: https://txschools.gov/
COVID- 19 Resources- Alliance of Community Assistance Ministries LIST- Houston
Description: Community Assistance Ministries provides links to a neighborhood network that provides assistance to Houston/Harris County. Includes Service Area Map of Houston Region. **Follow link below list for websites and map of […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Comcast Internet Essentials
Comcast Internet Essentials With school closings as a result of the Coronavirus and students needing Internet access for online instruction, Comcast has developed a plan to support low-income families and […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Tax Relief and Stimulus Checks
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has established a special section focused on steps to help taxpayers, businesses and others affected by the coronavirus. The deadlines to FILE and PAY federal […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Houston Food Assistance
Southern Smoke Foundation Southern Smoke is a nonprofit 501c3 charitable foundation. Our Emergency Relief Program provides emergency funding to those employed by or own restaurants or bars or are employed […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Houston Food Assistance
Houston Shift Meal In light of the COVID-19 crisis, many workers in Houston’s hospitality industry have been affected by closures and layoffs. Houston Shift Meal is dedicated to providing these […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Dallas- Fort Worth Work Assistance
Get Shift Done for North Texas The Get Shift Done for Texas for North Texas Initiative was launched to place hourly workers in the hospitality industry in jobs working for nonprofit […]
COVID-19 Resources-The Salvation Army
Description: Serving people who have been impacted by COVID-19 all around the country. If you or a loved one needs help, please contact your local Salvation Army to see what services […]
COVID-19 Resources- South Carolina Child Care Resource and Referral
Description: Information about child care program resource updates including child care programs that are open, child care worker employment and a list of school food sites and delivery plans. URL: […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – United Way Financial Assistance
United Way United Way steps up whenever our communities need us. We’re helping communities affected by COVID-19 all over the world. United Way provides contact information and funds for resources in […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Fort Worth Food Assistance
The Lunch Box has ceased all operations and closed to the public for the time being. However, each weekday they are handing out 250 free lunches to anyone in need, including […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Fort Worth Restaurant Employee Relief Fund
RESTAURANT EMPLOYEE RELIEF FUND The Fort Worth Food + Wine Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable foundation committed to supporting Fort Worth’s culinary community. As of March 23, 2020, we […]
COVID-19 Resources: United Way of Central Alabama- Mobile
Description: UNITED WAY’S COVID-19 RESPONSE AND RESOURCES United Way is positioned with staff expertise, volunteers and a network of agency service providers to help with a rapid response. If you […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Dallas YMCA Childcare
Due to COVID-19, our YMCA branches are currently closed; however, we continue to offer limited childcare programming on a daily basis, supporting the childcare needs of our first responders, medical professionals, […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Louisiana Child Care Assistance
In response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, the Louisiana Department of Education opened the Child Care Assistance Program to support essential critical infrastructure personnel. These families can access subsidized care […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Credit Card Bills
Several credit card companies are offering customer assistance amid coronavirus hardship including flexible bill payments and waived late fees. Please visit the report below for a list of companies […]
COVID-19 Resources: Greater Ohio COVID-19 Relief Programs- Cleveland
Description: A collection of resources for Cuyahoga County and other Ohio counties, to aid families with rent/housing, eviction prevention, utilities, unemployment, transit assistance, FEMA, miscellaneous. Please follow link below. URL: […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Unemployment Benefits
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) update: The federal government is allowing new options for states to amend their laws to provide unemployment insurance benefits related to COVID-19. For example, federal law allows states to […]
COVID-19 Resources- Food for County School Children- Memphis
Description: Shelby County Schools- Information about school closings, meals for students, mobile food pantries, weekly learning guides and instructional resources for students. URL: http://www.scsk12.org/coronavirusfacts/
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Food Assistance
In response to COVID-19 relief assistance, the USDA Food and Nutrition Service is has several programs to help serve those in need. Congregate Meal Waivers – regarding summer meal […]
Aging Commission of the Mid-South- Memphis
Description: For Seniors and Adults with Disabilities: Meals, CHOICES, Public Guardianship, SHIP, Family Caregiver Services. URL: https://shelbycountytn.gov/3433/Aging-Commission-of-the-Mid-South Phone Number: 901-222-4111
COVID-19 Relief Resources – School Loans
To provide relief to student loan borrowers during the COVID-19 national emergency, on March 13, 2020, it was announced that all loans owned by the U.S. Department of Education (ED) will […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – HUD
As of March 18, 2020, Federal Housing Administration (FHA) to implement an immediate foreclosure and eviction moratorium for single family homeowners with FHA-insured mortgages for the next 60 days. The guidance issued applies […]
COVID-19 Relief Resources – Spectrum Internet
In an effort to ensure Americans have necessary access to online resources, qualifying households with students can get 60 days of FREE access with a Spectrum Internet account. Available for households with […]
Galilee Baptist Church of Shreveport
Galilee Baptist Church can assist with clothing, food and other services depending on funds available. Please call ahead to speak about available assistance. Address: 1500 Pierre Avenue, Shreveport, LA […]
Christian Community Assistance
Christian Community Assistance offers assistance with food and clothing. To schedule an appointment for services please call (817)921-9622. https://www.ccaftworth.org/ 1903 W. Bowie Street Fort Worth, 76110
First Christian Church-Conroe
The First Christian Church of Conroe has a food pantry that is open every Wednesday from 10am-11:45am. It serves zipcodes 77301, 77302, 77303, 77304, 77306. Identification is required. https://www.firstchristianchurchconroe.org/ 3500 […]
Mainland Community Partnership
Susan’s Market if a program of Mainland Children’s Partnership. At Susan’s Market they use food as a gateway to assess and determine the bigger needs of their clients. These needs […]
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church
St. Paul’s Lutheran Church has a food pantry. It is open on Thursdays from 9am to 11am. Clients may come once a week and are asked to provide their name […]
Bible Way Fellowship Baptist Church
Bible Way Fellowship Baptist Church has a food pantry every Tuesday and Thursday from 1pm-4pm. https://bibleway1.org/events/food-pantry-distribution-3/ 10120 Hartsook Road Houston, 77034 (713)943-2215
Nourishment for the Needy
Nourishment for the Needy is a food pantry for the residents of Montgomery County. It is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-2pm. Please call for eligibility requirements. https://nourishmentfortheneedy.org/ 27350 […]
Bayshore Baptist Church
Bayshore Baptist Church has a food bank and clothes closet that is open on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month from 4-6pm in the gym, which is located […]
Parker County Center of Hope
The Parker County Center of Hope offers the following services: Food Pantry Meals: The dining room is open Monday-Thursday from 10am-2pm. Financial Assistance: Primarily helps with paying a portion of […]
Christian Center of Ft. Worth/Leah Vanzant Community Life Center
The Leah Vanzant Community Life Center serves the community free groceries every Tuesday and free clothing every Wednesday from 9am-11am. The Christian Center of Ft. Worth also offers a free […]
Neighborhood Needs
Neighborhood Needs provides food and clothing to the following zip codes: 76132, 76133, 76134, 76123, 76109, 76110, and 76115. They are open on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 10am-11:30am. You are […]
First United Methodist Church-Hurst
This church participates in a mobile food pantry on the second Friday of each month. It takes place from 9am-11am. https://www.fumchurst.org/connect/missions/opportunities-to-serve/ 521 W. Pipeline Road Hurst, 76053 (817)282-7384
Granbury First United Methodist Church
This church has a food pantry that is open Monday-Thursday from 12pm-4pm. https://www.fumcgranbury.org/food/ 301 Loop 567 Granbury, 76048 (817)573-5573
Household of Faith Charities
Household of Faith Charities has a food pantry that takes place every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. They also offer a summer camp for ages 4-14. The camp […]
St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church
St. Andrew’s United Methodist Church has a food pantry. It is open every Monday and Wednesday from 10am-1pm. Prepacked bags are available with all sorts of staple foods. You can […]
Fort Bend County Health & Human Services
Fort Bend County Health & Human Services offers the following programs: Utility Assistance Rent/Mortgage Assistance (partial payment) Food Assistance Medication Assistance Emergency Shelter Assistance (short-term temporary motel stay) Assistance with […]
Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church offers financial assistance with the following: Food Utilities Rent/Mortgage https://ourladyrockwall.org/st-vincent-de-paul (972)772-8875 (you must leave a […]
Helping Hands of Rockwall County
Helping Hands of Rockwall County offers the following services: Financial Assistance: This program serves Rockwall County residents in financial crisis. Clients can receive assistance with utilities, shelter, food, clothes, and […]
Helping Hands of Ennis
Helping Hands of Ennis provides food, clothing, and financial assistance (rent/mortgage and some utility bills) to families in crisis. Assistance is subject to the qualification of clients, and utility providers […]
Abigail’s Place
Abigail’s Place is a shelter for single mothers with school-aged children. It is located in Richmond and is only available for residents of Ft. Bend County. The application can be […]
Church of Christ at Mountain View
This church has a food pantry that is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10am-12pm. Please call for further information. https://mtviewcoc.org/ministries/outreach 7979 E RL Thornton Freeway Dallas, 75228 (214)339-7145
Aunt Bette’s Community Pantry
Aunt Bette’s Community Pantry is located at St. Philip’s School and Community Center. The pantry primarily serves the following zipcodes: 75215, 75210, and 75203. Please call for hours. https://www.stphilips1600.org/outreach/foodpantry.cfm 1600 […]
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Holy Trinity Catholic Church has a food pantry. It is open Tuesday and Thursday from 9am-12pm and Saturday from 10am-12pm. Please call for further information. https://htccd.org/holy-trinity-center 3826 Gilbert Avenue Dallas, […]
Allen Community Outreach
Allen Community Outreach offers the following services: Food Pantry Rent/Utility Assistance Health Assistance: Financial assistance for physician and specialist visits, prescriptions, lab work, radiology, and other medical tests is available […]
God’s Pantry
God’s Pantry is a food pantry located in Plano, TX. They are open on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 10am-1pm. Please call for further information. http://www.godspantryplano.org/ 3420 E. 14th Street […]
Salvation Army-Plano
The Salvation Army of Plano offers the following services: Food Pantry: The pantry is open every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10am-2pm. Emergency Financial Assistance-rent/utilities Summer Day Camp After-School Program […]
Buckingham United Methodist Church-food pantry
The Fishes and Loaves food pantry is open from 9am-11pm on Thursdays. Please call for further information. https://www.bumcgarland.org/foodpantry 1212 W. Buckingham Road Garland, 75040 (972)272-6042
Amazing Grace Food Pantry
The Amazing Grace Food Pantry serves all of Collin County, Texas. Client Requirements: You must provide proof of residency. A utility bill from the last 30 days showing applicant name and address […]
Oak Cliff Churches for Emergency Aid
This organization provides food to residents of their service area. They also provide short term financial assistance for rent, utilities, and medical expenses. http://oakcliffchurchesaid.org/index.php/how-we-help/ 534 W. 10th Street Dallas, 75208 […]
The Storehouse of Collin County
The Storehouse of Collin County offers the following programs: Seven Loaves Food Pantry: This food pantry serves residents of Collin County and surrounding communities. Please see the website for a […]
Assistance Center of Collin County
The Assistance Center of Collin County offers the following services: The Center can provide limited assistance with rent or utilities to residents of Collin County. Applicants must be willing to provide […]
5 Loaves Food Pantry
5 loaves food pantry has the following schedule: Tuesdays, 10am-12pm Thursdays, 10am-12pm, and 5pm-7pm 1st and 3rd Saturday Each Month, 10am-12pm 5 loaves also has a diaper bank that provides […]
CareCenter Ministries
CareCenter Ministries offers the following services: Food Pantry (please call for days and hours) After-School Care Summer Camp https://www.carecenterministries.org/ 7912 Antoinette Street Dallas, 75217 (214)824-9852
Hearts and Hands Community Outreach of Garland
This food pantry serves residents of the 75041 zip code. They are open Tuesday and Thursday from 9am-12pm. Requirements/Eligibility: Identification: picture I.D., Driver’s License Papers that shows proof of residence […]
Richardson East Baptist Church-food pantry
This church has a small food pantry that is open every Thursday from 10am-2pm. Appointments can be made for special needs. http://rebctexas.com/ministry-outreach/ 512 East Main Street Richardson, 75081 (972)235-7672
Salvation Army-Irving
The Salvation Army offers several services to the residents of Irving. Christmas Assistance Emergency Financial Assistance–rent, utilities Food Pantry After-School Program (through the Boys and Girls Club) for children in […]
Community Food Bank
Our mission is to fight hunger and poverty by providing food, education, programs, and resources to families in a dignified, personal and timely manner without zip code restrictions. As a food […]
University Baptist Church
University Baptist Church provides Mission House Food Bank. When: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am to 11:00am Where: 2720 Wabash Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76109 Phone: 817-926-3318 URL: https://ubcfortworth.org/event/1220349-2019-10-15-mission-house-food-bank/
Carr P. Collins Social Service Center-Salvation Army
The Salvation Army Carr P. Collins Social Service Center offers the following programs and services: Food Pantry Men’s and Women’s Shelter Home Sweet Home program: The Home Sweet Home Program uses […]
East End Social Services Inc.
East End Social Services Inc. offers the following services: Clothes Closet: Clothing distribution is located at 7301 Avenue F, Houston, 77011. Food Pantry: The House of Hope food pantry is […]
Northgate United Methodist Church
This church has a clothes closet and food pantry that is open most Saturday mornings. https://www.northgateumc.org/serve/serve-the-community/ (972)252-8519
Family Promise of Irving
Family Promise of Irving assists children and their families who have lost or are at risk of losing their housing. Families enter the program with an initial 30-day stay in […]
Family Promise of Clear Creek
Family Promise of Clear Creek offers shelter services to residents of the Clear Creek School District, Pearland, Alvin, Friendswood, Dickinson, and Baycliff. Host churches provide families overnight lodging and meals. […]
Lighthouse Christian Ministries
Lighthouse Christian Ministries offers the following services to residents of Bacliff, San Leon, Bayview, and Kemah: Financial Assistance: LCM helps families in crisis with rent and utility assistance payments. To receive […]
Pleasant Grove Food Pantry
This food pantry serves residents of 75217, 75227, and 75253 zip codes. They are open Tuesdays from 10am-12pm and 12:30pm-3pm. Their website does not indicate what type of documentation is […]
Grand Prairie Family Church
Grand Prairie Family Church has a food pantry for Grand Prairie residents. It is held every Saturday from 9am-12pm. You will need to provide a current photo ID (drivers license, […]
Jan Pruitt Community Pantry
This pantry serves residents of 75134, 75146, 75172, 75141, 75241, and 75154 zip codes. Proof of residency is required such as: current utility bill, auto insurance, driver’s license, or any […]
The Mint Foundation
The Mint Foundation offers a food pantry to the following zip codes: • 75115 • 75134 • 75146 • 75138 • 75116 • 75104 The pantry is open on Tuesday […]
Desoto Food Pantry
The Desoto Food Pantry serves residents of 75115 and 75154 zip codes. Applications are taken during normal business hours which are: Monday: 10 am – 1 pm Thursday: 1 pm […]
Promise House
The Promise House has programs for homeless youth: The Transitional Living Program (TLP) at Promise House equips homeless youth ages 18 through 21 years old with the skills and education […]
Northcoast Behavioral Healthcare- Cleveland
Description: Short-term emergency housing is offered for mentally ill, homeless adults in the community. Address: 1502 E 118th St. Cleveland, OH 44106 Phone Number: (216) 661-2411
West Haven Youth Shelter
Description: Homeless shelter for youth in Cleveland, Ohio Address: 3020 W 104th St Cleveland, OH 44111 Phone Number: (216) 941-0063 Hours: Open 24-Hours
North Point Transitional Housing Center- Cleveland
Description: Provides transitional housing for homeless residents and men who are able to work and have an income. URL: https://www.frontlineservice.org/transitional-housing/ Address: 1550 Superior Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44114 Phone Number: (216) 455-0095
Room In The Inn Memphis
Room In The Inn- Memphis Chapter Room in the Inn-Memphis is an ecumenical ministry that serves people experiencing homelessness. We are modeled after the incredibly successful Room in the Inn […]
Emily’s Place
Emily’s Place works with women and children fleeing from domestic violence situations. They offer long-term care to women in a shared living space for up to 24 months. All women […]
A Christian Food Pantry
Stop by AC Food Pantry to fill out some simple paperwork, then select and take home what you would like from their food pantry. Their hours are as follows: Mon, […]
Wylie Community Christian Care Center
Their mission is to provide short term emergency needs for local families. They help pay certain bills, depending on available funds, and provide food and clothing. They serve Wylie, Lavon, […]
North Texas Food Bank
You can use this website to locate your nearest food pantry. You can also call (214)330-1396 for further assistance. North Texas Food Bank can also offer information about applying SNAP […]
Catholic Charities-Dallas
Catholic Charities of Dallas offers the following services: Financial Coaching and Education: Financial Coaching is for anyone looking to improve their financial situation in whatever way they feel will add to […]
Beautiful Feet Ministries
Praise and Worship Daily Bible Study (Monday through Sunday at 9:00am) Daily Chapel Service (Monday through Saturday at 11:00am) Church Services (Sundays at 6:30am & 9:00am) Street Light Service (Wednesdays […]
The Times Picayune Doll and Toy Fund
The Times-Picayune Doll and Toy Fund is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization that began in 1896, whose mission is to bring joy to children of families in need in the […]
Minnie’s Food Pantry
This food pantry is open from 8:30am-11:30am on Wednesday-Saturday (closed every 5th Saturday). https://www.minniesfoodpantry.org/ 661 18th Street Plano, 75074 (972)596-0253
Clear Lake Food Pantry
The Clear Lake Food Pantry offers food and clothing to residents of the Clear Lake area. They are open Mondays and Thursdays from 8am-11am. http://clearlakebaptist.com/foodpantry/ 15700 Space Center Blvd. Houston, […]
Highland Oaks Church of Christ
This church’s Caring & Sharing ministry offers emergency food and clothing to those in need. I’m not sure if they offer rent/utility assistance. They serve the zipcodes of 75238 and […]
St. Cecelia Catholic Church
This church can offer assistance with rent/utilities and food. They cover the following zipcodes: 77024, 77043, and 77055. If you are in need of assistance please call (713)468-1185. Volunteers are […]
Summer Grove Baptist Church
Food and Clothing Assistance The Compassion House of Summer Grove Baptist Church exists to show compassion by demonstrating the love of Jesus and hope of the Gospel to our neighbors and […]
Mission Northeast
Mission Northeast is located in New Caney and works with zip codes 77302, 77303, 77306, 77327, 77328, 77336, 77339, 77345, 77357, 77365, and 77372. They offer the following services: Food […]
Community Assistance Center
Community Assistance Center serves the residents of Montgomery County. They offer the following services: Case Management Food Pantry Clothing Voucher: Clients can check out with a voucher that was given […]
Operation First Response (OFR)
OFR assists wounded, injured and critically ill Service Members and Disabled Veterans from all branches. Military Assistance Program – We serve all branches of our nation’s Wounded Heroes and their […]
Safe Kids Worldwide
Safe Kids Worldwide is a global organization dedicated to protecting kids from unintentional injuries, the number one cause of death to children in the United States. Throughout the world, almost […]
Love INC. of Lafayette
Love INC of Lafayette operates a local clearinghouse which maintains information on resources available to people in need through the talents of individual people, church outreach ministries, and community agencies. […]
Clothing Programs – Memphis, TN
Below is a list of local charities, churches, and organizations that may offer clothing to those in need. This list includes places that run off of donations and may not […]
BeAnElf.org’s volunteers buy gifts for children with fewer privileges than other kids. At participating United States Postal Services (USPS) postal branches, volunteers select one or more letters to Santa. To […]
Hope Supply Co.
OUR MISSION We meet the critical needs of homeless and at-risk children across North Texas by providing necessities including diapers, clothing, school supplies, toys and programs to enhance their lives. […]
Families First Housing
Families First Housing is offered through Catholic Charities of Diocese of Baton Rouge. Families First Housing Program is an 18-month transitional housing program. Families have access to: Two or three […]
Joseph Homes
Homeless men recently released from prison take their first steps to changing their lives at Joseph Homes Transitional Housing Program. Services include: Housing in a private, clean efficiency apartment in […]
Sanctuary for Life
Sanctuary for Life is a program offered through Adoption and Maternity Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Baton Rouge. Catholic Charities provides adoption services to children and families. Services offered: […]
Noel Memorial United Methodist Church
Noel Memorial United Methodist Church has a food pantry (all year around) and a Christmas Shoppe (once a year) Food Pantry Address: 520 Herndon St., Shreveport, La, 71101. (the entrance faces […]
Honor Veterans Now
How and Where We Serve In the near term, HVN is committed to feeding veterans across only Texas battling hunger by funding a hot meal each day through local and […]
Linwood Food Bank
Linwood Food Bank serves the immediate and short-term needs of the Lincrest Neighborhood and the cities of Shreveport and Bossier, providing canned-goods, non-perishable food items, and certain toiletry items to […]
Mountain View Church of Christ
This food pantry is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10am-12pm. https://mtviewcoc.org/ministries/outreach 7979 E RL Thornton Fwy Dallas, 75228 (214)339-7145
Mesquite Church of Christ
This food pantry provides food for the following zip codes: 75040 75087 75114 75150 75180 75041 75088 75126 75159 75181 75042 75089 75142 75160 75182 75043 […]
Holy Cross Catholic Church
Food pantry: By appointment only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. (214)375-3715 Clothing: The church offers low-cost clothing and household items. They are open on Mondays from 9am-12:30 pm, Thursdays from […]
Grand Prairie Food and Clothing Co-Op
The Co-Op can provide assistance with food, clothing, and limited assistance with rent or utilities-during crisis situations only. They are open Monday-Friday from 9am-11:30am. https://www.grandprairiechamber.org/list/member/grand-prairie-food-and-clothing-co-op-grand-prairie-2404 118 NE 4th Street Grand […]
Cliff Temple Baptist Church-Mission Oak Cliff
This church provides emergency food and clothing to families in the North Oak Cliff area of Dallas. They are open Monday-Friday from 12pm-3pm. 125 Sunset Avenue Dallas, 75208 (214)942-8601
Goodness & Grace Food Pantry
This pantry serves residents of the following zip codes: 75104, 75105, 75115, 75134, 75137, 75146, 75232, 75236, 75237, and 75249. They are open on Monday from 6pm-8pm. Photo ID required. […]
Duncanville Outreach Ministry
This ministry serves the residents of the 75116 and 75137 zip codes. They have a food pantry. They can also offer limited assistance with City of Duncanville water payments, rent, […]
Grace Place Church of Christ
Food pantry hours are Mondays from 10am-12pm and Tuesdays from 3pm-5pm. http://www.ourgraceplace.org/connection-place/go-serve 520 Big Stone Gap Road Duncanville, 75137 (972)298-4656
Cedar Hill Shares
Cedar Hill Shares serves the residents of the 75104 zip code or living within the Cedar Hill Independent School District boundaries. Food Pantry:Applications are taken Monday & Wednesday from 1:00 […]
Mesquite Social Services
Mesquite Social Services offers the following: Food pantry: Clients can receive a box food based on their household size once a month. Emergency boxes are given on a case-by-case basis. Their […]
Grand Prairie United Charities
GPUC provides the following programs for Grand Prairie residents when funding is available: THANKSGIVING & CHRISTMAS BASKETS ON-SITE FOOD PANTRY – Food assistance is provided to their clients once every 30 […]
Deer Park United Methodist Church
This church has a food pantry that is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10am-2pm. https://www.dpumc.org/outreach 1300 E. 13th Street Deer Park, 77536
St. Andrew United Methodist Church
The food pantry is open the first and third Thursday 10-11 am each month. The pantry is open to the following zipcodes: 72209, 72206, 72103 Proof of address is required. […]
St. Mary Catholic Church
This food pantry is open on Wednesday and Thursday from 10am-12pm. https://saintmcc.org/food-pantry 1612 E. Walker Street League City, 77573 (281)332-3031
St. Matthias the Apostle Catholic Church
This church has a food pantry that is open on Fridays from 10am-1:30pm. Call anytime of the week to set up an appointment. The church also offers limited financial assistance. […]
St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church
This church has a food pantry that is open to the public on Monday and Thursday mornings from 9am-12pm and on Saturdays from 11am-1pm. The church also offers short-term assistance […]
Patriot House Transitional Housing for Veterans
Patriot House provides a semi-private, transitional housing program for homeless veterans, which will prepare veterans for permanent, independent housing within 24 months. There are 32 units of Veterans Affairs grant […]
Living Water International Apostolic Ministries
The Joseph House food pantry is open every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 9am-4pm. 7802 Jensen Drive Houston, 77093 (281)936-8175
St. Thomas More Catholic Church
This church has a food pantry that serves zip codes 77035 and 77096. They are open on Tuesday and Thursday each week from 9-10:45 am and 1-3pm. https://stmhouston.org/st-vincent-de-paul-society 10330 Hillcroft […]
St. Matthew The Evangelist Catholic Community
This church has a food pantry that is open every Monday and Wednesday from 10am-12pm. https://stmatthewhou.org/social-concerns-ministries (713)466-4030 9915 Hollister Street Houston, 77040
St. Bartholomew The Apostle Catholic Church
This church has a food pantry that is open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 6pm-7:30pm. They also offer limited financial assistance to meet a short-term crisis, such as rental eviction […]
St. Anne Catholic Church
St. Anne Catholic Church has a food pantry that is open on Thursday from 8:15am-1pm and Saturday from 8:15am-12pm. They can also offer financial assistance with rent and utilities. Please […]
Spring Creek Church of Christ-Lydia’s Pantry
This food pantry is open the first four Wednesdays of each from 10am-12pm and is closed on the fifth Wednesday. http://spring-creek.org/serve-others/lydias-pantry 14847 Brown Road Tomball, 77377 (281)351-1234
Greater Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church
The Annette Strawder Here to Help Pantry is open on Tuesdays from 10am-2pm. Photo identification (utility/regular bill to verify address) required in order to receive food. https://gmzhouston.org/a-s-h-t-h-p/ 835 West 23rd […]
All Saints Catholic Church
All Saints Catholic Church has a food pantry on Monday-Thursday from 9am-10:30am and Wednesday from 6pm-7:30pm. Rent and utility assistance is being processed on Mondays from 9am-10:30am. https://allsaintsheights.com/svdp 215 East […]
Holy Cross Hope House
Hope House provides access to showers, a place to do laundry, access mail, use a telephone, drinks/snacks and fellowship. The following services are just some of what goes on at […]
Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (TEAM)
Tomball Emergency Assistance Ministries (TEAM) serves clients in Tomball zip codes and has the following services: Food Pantry: The pantry is open Tuesday from 10am-3pm and Thursday from 10am-2pm. Clothing […]
Vickery Meadow Food Pantry
This food pantry serves 75231 and 75243 zip codes only. There is no appointment needed–it is a walk-in pantry. However, you will need proof of residency in the above zip […]
Jewish Family Service of Greater Dallas
Their food pantry serves individuals in the following North Dallas and Carrollton zip codes: 75209, 75220, 75225, 75229, 75230, 75231, 75234, 75238, 75240, 75243, 75244, 75248, 75252, 75254, 75287, 75001, […]
Cliff Temple Baptist Church
Cliff Temple Baptist Church currently serves the following zip codes: 75203, 75208, 75211, 75216, and 75224. Food Pantry: Monday-Friday from 12pm-3pm. Fresh Produce: Thursday from 8:30am-10am. Clothes Pantry: Tuesday and […]
Wilkinson Center
Food Pantry: To be eligible for food assistance you must live in one of the following zip codes: 75204, 75206, 75214, 75217, 75223, 75226, 75227, 75228, or 75246. The pantry […]
Life Message
Registration and Food Distribution is Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12:00 – 4:00 pm BRING TO REGISTRATION: Picture ID Proof of Residence – lease, utility bill, etc. https://lifemessage.org/programs-%26-services 4501 Rowlett Road […]
Hope in Hand Food Pantry
Hope in Hand Food Pantry an emergency recourse for residents of Rowlett, Garland, Sachse, Wylie, and Rockwall. 7301 Miller Road, Rowlett, 75088 Monday, Wednesday, Saturday // 10:00 am to 12:00 […]
Good Samaritans of Garland
Food pantry: For a food appointment, please call 972-276-2263 on Friday morning, beginning at 8:30 a.m. Qualified clients are eligible to receive supplemental food assistance every 31 days; the amount of food […]
Metrocrest Services
Metrocrest offers the following services to residents of Carrollton, Farmers Branch, Addison, Coppell, and the city of Dallas in Denton County: Rent and Utility Assistance Food pantry: The Food Pantry is […]
Episcopal Church of the Ascension
The Food Pantry at Ascension provides bagged goods to needy families every first and third Tuesday of the month from 9:30-11:00am. https://www.ascensiondallas.org/outbound 8787 Greenville Avenue Dallas, 75243 (214)340-4196
The Turn Around Agenda
Hours of Operation If you and/or your family are in need of food, please come by the Food Pantry during the following hours: Mondays & Fridays 9:30 am – 12 […]
Mountain View Church of Christ
The food pantry is available to those in need on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. https://www.mtviewcoc.org/ministries/outreach (214)339-7145 7979 East RL Thornton Freeway Dallas, 75228
Christ for the Nations Church
Food Pantry: Thursdays, 12:30 – 2:00 pm Dream Center 3505 Fawn Valley Drive, Dallas, TX 75224 (214)302-6241
Soul for Christ Ministry, Inc.
Soul for Christ Ministry Inc maintains a food pantry to support low income neighbors, and single families who meet the criteria in the TEXCAP Guidelines. Our food pantry is on […]
The Family Place
The Family Place is here to empower you to escape from family violence and become a survivor. Whether the abuse you suffer is physical, emotional, verbal or financial, we provide […]
Liberty House Homeless Shelter
Liberty House is a safe haven for homeless veterans faced with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and substance dependency where they will receive supportive services leading to residential stability, increased income […]
True Worth Place
We’re a comprehensive resource center and day shelter in Fort Worth providing guests who are currently experiencing homelessness with access to help, hope and respect. Restrooms, showers, toiletries, laundry facilities […]
Opening Doors for Women In Need
At Opening Doors for Women In Need, we facilitate a tailored reentry program that helps women navigate successfully through the integration process of returning from incarceration; starting by providing a safe, clean housing […]
S.M. Wright Foundation
The S.M. Wright Foundation offers the following services: Food Bank: Serves the South Dallas/Fair Park community. The South Dallas Community Food Center provides nutritional food on a bi-weekly basis through the […]
The SoupMobile Shelter program includes a Safe House for women fleeing domestic violence, multiple apartment/lodging units throughout the Dallas area, motel housing assistance program that provides short-term emergency housing, and […]
Serving Our Community One gap bag can be given once to people living outside the area codes WestAid serves in emergency situations such as unexpected loss of job, theft, illnesses, […]
I Can Still Shine
Mission: The “I Can Still Shine Program” is a faith-based, safe, supportive center for women and children from all walks of life, with no exceptions. We provide our clients the opportunity […]
Union Gospel Mission of Tarrant County
DRC Community Resources to End Homelessness
Our Mission The mission of the DRC is to provide respectful, responsible and effective community-based solutions to help individuals and families emerge from homelessness as productive, healthy people. If you or […]
Meadowbrook First Baptist Church
Meadowbrook First Baptist Church provides a food store called Harvest Time Food Pantry. Harvest Time Food Pantry was established in 2008, with a vision to provide food and clothing for […]
Connections for Life
Our Mission Connections for Life, through the collaborative networking of support services, fosters the development of a healthy lifestyle pattern for women who are single and indigent, and who are […]
Center for Transforming Lives
Housing Services Emergency Shelter for Women We serve unaccompanied women at least 18 years of age who are: Victim of a crime/abuse; AND At imminent risk of homelessness, living in […]
Pilgrim Rest Missionary Baptist Church
This church has a crisis center that can assist those in their community with rent, mortgage, utilities, food, clothing, and medical needs. Operating hours are Monday-Thursday from 11am-3pm. For an […]
Homeless Crisis Helpline – Dallas Area
Call 1-888-411-6802 if you are a family with children experiencing a homeless crisis. If we are assisting another person in need, please leave a message or complete our online help form found here. Either […]
Manna House
Manna House offers assistance to residents of the 76065 zip code or within the MISD boundary. They offer assistance in the following areas: food, clothing, utilities, and prescriptions. In order […]
North Ellis County Outreach
North Ellis County Outreach offers the following services to residents of 75154 and 75125 zip codes. They offer assistance with food, rent, clothing, utilities, back to school supplies, Christmas toy […]
Grapevine Relief and Community Exchange (GRACE)
GRACE offers the following services: Financial Assistance: GRACE provides emergency assistance to more than 1,200 families per year who are faced with financial challenges due to low-income or recent emergency. […]
Network of Community Ministries
Network of Community Ministries serves communities in the Richardson Independent School District. They offer assistance with food, clothing, rent, utilities, school supplies, transportation, and holiday toys for children. They also […]
White Rock Center of Hope
The White Rock Center of Hope offers assistance to residents of Dallas zip codes: 75218, 75228, 75238, 75214, 75223. They offer the following services: Food Pantry Clothing Closet: Families may […]
Christian Community Action
Christian Community Action serves the following communities: Argyle ISD Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD(Denton County portion) Coppell ISD Frisco ISD with Frisco Family Service Referral Lake Dallas ISD Lewisville ISD Little Elm […]
Food Pantry: FOOD DISTRIBUTION: Tuesday/Thursday: 12-2:30 p.m. 4th Wednesday Evenings: 6-7 p.m. Rent and Utility Assistance: Please call to schedule appointments. Thursdays only: 10 – 11 a.m. ZIP CODES SERVED: 75231, 75238, 75240, 75243, […]
The Stewpot
The Stewpot offers several programs for those experiencing homelessness: Meal Services at Second Chance Cafe:Located at 1818 Corsicana Street in downtown Dallas within The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center. Meal Times: […]
North Dallas Shared Ministries
North Dallas Shared Ministries offers the following services: Emergency Assistance: They provide emergency financial assistance to people who need money to pay rent and/or utilities. Individuals and families may only […]
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center Social Services program assists clients that live in a 752.. zipcode by providing: Utility Bill Assistance (Electric, Water, Gas) Rental Assistance Housing Opportunities […]
Crossroads Community Services
Crossroads Community Services has a food pantry. Hours are the following: MONDAY: 1:00 – 3:00 PM TUESDAY: 9:00 – 11:00 AM & 1:00 – 3:00 PM WEDNESDAY: 9:00 – 11:00 […]
Shared Housing Center, Inc.
Homeshare Program: This Dallas countywide program facilitates arrangements between individuals who have more housing than they need with people and/or families in need of housing. These individuals seek a roommate who can […]
River of Life Homes
Programs: Emergency shelter for women in life-threatening situations, for up to 3 months, average stay is 30 days. Transitional housing for up to 1 year, average stay is 6 months. Services are […]
Hope’s Door New Beginning Center
**If you are currently experiencing domestic violence and need assistance please call the center’s 24-hour hotline number: (972)276-0057** Emergency shelter: Our emergency shelters offer temporary housing to survivors and their children […]
Genesis Women’s Shelter and Support
Genesis shelter is at an undisclosed location. Women and their children are welcome to stay at the emergency shelter for up to six weeks. Each resident attends weekly individual and […]
Brighter Tomorrows
24-hour crisis hotline: (972)262-8383 Emergency shelter: If you are seeking shelter, please contact the above crisis hotline. Brighter Tomorrows staffs 2 emergency safe shelters in Grand Prairie and Irving at undisclosed locations. Both […]
Dallas Life
Shelter: Their facility is capable of housing up to 700 men, women, and children per day. Men and women are on separate floors in dormitory style housing. They also have […]
The Samaritan Inn
The Samaritan Inn provides a no-cost, safe and clean place to live. Living areas for men, women and families are separate. They have a dining room, playroom, computer lab, classrooms, […]
The Bridge
Day Shelter Services: Extensive services for people experiencing homelessness including a barbershop/salon, computer lab, educational and recreational activities, a kennel, laundry, library, mail services, meals, personal hygiene, and storage. Offers assistance […]
Interfaith Family Services
Family Empowerment Program: Interfaith’s Family Empowerment Program is designed for individuals who are unemployed or struggling financially. Our new Family Empowerment Program allows families, who do not reside with us, to have access […]
Austin Street Center
Austin Street Center is an emergency, overnight shelter for men, ages 45 and older, and women, ages 18 and older, experiencing homelessness. Nightly availability is determined on a first-come, first-served […]
Society of St. Vincent de Paul-Dallas
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul can assist with food, clothing, furniture, rent, utility, transportation, and medication. They also have a miniloan program. This program provides low-interest re-financing for […]
Neighbors in Action
This organization can support families with rent, bills, food items, home repair projects, and holiday assistance. This is on a case by case basis and they only serve residents of […]
Meritan of Memphis
Meritan A person is a person first… not lessened by challenges We serve people. Child & adult support services: social, health, in-home, mobile. Meritan provides professional & nonprofessional staff […]
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church has a food pantry on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 9am-11am. They provide food at no cost and, in some cases, […]
Penelope House
The mission of Penelope House is to provide safety, protection, and support to the victims of Domestic Violence and their children through the provision of shelter and advocacy. Emergency shelter […]
St. Pius V Catholic Church
St. Pius V Catholic Church offers the following services: Food pantry: The food pantry is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 10am-12:30pm. They also offer financial help with rent/mortgage, utilities, […]
St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church
St. Ignatius of Loyola can assist families and individuals who are facing financial emergencies (danger of being evicted or having your electricity or water turned off). They offer assistance with […]
St. Bernadette Catholic Church
This church assists clients within the following zip codes: 77058, 77059, 77062, and 77598. They can assist with food, clothing, and other financial assistance on a case by case basis. […]
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church
St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church offers the following services: Food pantry: No appointment is necessary and it is open Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9:30am-11:30am and Thursdays from 6pm-8pm. […]
Waterfront Mission
Waterfront Mission offers emergency shelter for single men. They also offer an Addiction Recovery Program for men. http://www.mobilerescuemission.org 279A North Washington Avenue Mobile, 36603 (251)433-1847
McKemie Place
McKemie Place is the only overnight shelter for single, homeless women in all of Mobile, Washington and Baldwin Counties. http://www.mckemieplace.org To protect the well-being and safety of our clients, McKemie […]
Family Promise of Coastal Alabama
Family Promise of Coastal Alabama offers homeless families: overnight accommodations at a local congregation, three meals a day, case management, and transportation to school and work. http://www.familypromisemobile.org 1260 Dauphin Street […]
First Baptist Church-Tillman’s Corner
First Baptist Church-Tillman’s Corner offers the following services: Food Pantry: They provide non-perishable food items and groceries. Assistance is provided once every two months for families and every week for those […]
Dumas Wesley Community Center
Dumas Wesley Community Center offers the following programs: The Center has a transitional housing program called the Sybil H. Smith Family Village (SSFV). SSFV seeks to help families experiencing homelessness establish and […]
Christ United Methodist Church-Lifegate
The Lifegate Ministry’s purpose is to aid church members and non-members in crisis situations; helping with utilities (with priority on elderly and/or disabled), food, and children’s clothing. Lifegate is open […]
Central Presbyterian Church-Midtown
This church has a food pantry that is open on Tuesdays from 1pm-3pm. People can come once a month and get emergency provisions. https://cpcmidtown.com/thefoodpantry/ 1260 Dauphin Street Mobile, 36604 (251) […]
Park Hill Christian Church Food Pantry
The church’s Food Pantry is up and running every Tuesday from 9:30 a.m. – noon. http://parkhillchristian.org/park-hill-christian-church-food-pantry/ 4400 JFK Boulevard North Little Rock, 72116 (501)753-1109
Saint John Missionary Baptist Church
This church has a food pantry. It is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11am-5pm. http://www.sjmbchurch.org/ministries/sjmbc-food-bank.html 2501-2617 S. Main Street Little Rock, 72204 (501)975-0900
Lifeline Baptist Church
This church has a food pantry open every Thursday from 9am-11am. http://www.lifelinebaptist.org/food-closet 7601 Baseline Road Little Rock, 72209 (501)568-5433
Immanuel Baptist Church
This church’s food pantry is located at 10500 W. Markham, Suite 105 and is open on Tuesdays from 10am-2pm. They serve Little Rock clients in the following zip codes: 72201, […]
The Church at Rock Creek
This church has the following services: A food bank. Those seeking assistance with the Food Bank may call the Care Center office between 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. and schedule an […]
Fishnet Missions
Fishnet Missions has a food pantry. The hours of operation for free food handout are Tuesday and Thursday : 5am-7:45am. Please check their Facebook page to confirm dates and times. […]
Society of St. Vincent de Paul District Council of Arkansas
This organization may be able to refer you to local resources for financial assistance (rent, utilities, food, clothing, etc.). Please see the website to find the contact information for your […]
First United Methodist Church Jacksonville
The church offers free meals to the public on Wednesdays at 5:30 pm and Saturdays at 11:30 am. The meal is located in their Family Life Center. https://www.jacksonvilleumc.org/missions.html 308 West […]
Watershed (Human And Community Development Agency, Inc.) offers a food pantry and assistance with utilities. They also offer holiday food and toy baskets. Please call for further information regarding these […]
Salvation Army-Central Arkansas Area Command
The Salvation Army offers the following services: Financial Assistance: Utility assistance (when funds are available), medication vouchers, clothing closet, food baskets. Shelter: The Center of Hope provides emergency assistance, shelter, […]
Hitchcock Family Welfare
Financial assistance may be given on an emergency basis when other sources are not available. Most financial assistance is for food, rent, and utilities such as water, gas, and electricity. […]
Christian Helping Hands
CHH gives aid to people who need FOOD and clothing. In other emergencies, CHH helps people with medicine, and overnight lodging, all on a limited basis, and as our resources […]
Door of Hope Memphis
Door of Hope Memphis Door of Hope, is a non-profit organization based in Memphis, Tennessee. Our mission is to end homelessness for Memphis’ most vulnerable population by providing housing and […]
USA.GOV: Benefits, Grants and Loans – All Campuses
USA.GOV Learn about government programs that provide financial help for individuals and organizations. Affordable Rental Housing Get help finding rental assistance or public housing. Benefits Learn about federal government programs, […]
Dallas County Family Resource Center -Dallas
Description: Utility assistance (must have disconnect notice) Rent assistance (evictions) Some household necessities Gasoline for trips to the doctor, etc. House fire victims Obtaining temporary, emergency housing Other miscellaneous emergency […]
Prince of Peace Catholic Community
The Mercy Ministry of the Prince of Peace Catholic Community offers the following services: Food pantry: To learn more about shopping at their food pantry or to sign up, please […]
Good Neighbor Center of West Memphis, AR
Good Neighbor Center Provides clothing referrals for families recently burned out of their dwellings and emergency food assistance. Also provides fans when available for those in need. Provides rental assistance […]
Crittenden County Department of Human Services – AR
Crittenden County Department of Human Services Temporary Cash Assistance, SNAP (Food Stamps), & Welfare. Address: 401 South College Boulevard, West Memphis, AR 72301 Phone: 870-732-5170
First United Methodist Church-Bedford
Project H.E.L.P. (His Eternal Love Proclaimed) is a ministry of FUMC Bedford. Our mission as a food pantry is to show Christ’s love by helping those in need in our community and […]
Arlington Seventh-day Adventist Church
This church has a food pantry 2 times a month, usually the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 10:45 am-2:30 pm. https://arlingtonadventist.com/outreach/ 4409 Pleasantview Drive Arlington, 76017 (817)483-4837
Martin United Methodist Church
Martin UMC has a community food pantry. Open Hours 1st Thursday of the Month 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Every Saturday 10:00 a.m. – noon https://www.martinmethodist.org/mission 2621 Bedford Road Bedford, 76021 […]
St. John the Apostle Parish
St. John the Apostle Parish Social Ministry Department offers the following services: Baby World: Baby World serves families in all Tarrant County with children aged 0-5. Clients may come once […]
South Central Alliance of Churches
The South Central Alliance provides financial assistance to residents of zip codes 76104, 76109, and 76110. They provide the following specific types of assistance. Financial Assistance: They provide one-time emergency help […]
Euless First United Methodist Church
The Euless First United Methodist Church serves the Euless, Hurst, and Bedford communities. Food Pantry is open Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon, and the 3rd Sunday of the […]
Community Storehouse
The Community Storehouse offers the following programs: Food Assistance Program: Families in crisis can receive food throughout the year and additional food when their children are out of school during summer […]
Grace Temple Seventh Day Adventist Church
This church has a food pantry. It is open every other Monday from 1pm-3pm and is first come first serve. You must bring a picture ID and a bill with […]
Fort Worth Hope Center
The Fort Worth Hope Center distributes food on Thursdays to area apartment complexes but on Friday they distribute from the Center. New clients need to bring a picture ID and […]
Forest Hill Seventh-Day Adventist Church
If you are in need of assistance with food please bring a valid Government issued ID (drivers license, passport, etc,) to the church on the 1st and 3rd Saturday’s between 1:30-2:30pm. […]
Harvesting International
Harvesting International has a Brown Bag Program provides supplemental bags of groceries for 500 low-income families and seniors throughout Tarrant County. First time applicants (no appointment needed) must bring proof of […]
Community Crossroads Outreach Center
Community Crossroads is First Presbyterian Church’s mission outreach center in Fort Worth’s Hemphill neighborhood. The building houses the following programs: First HAND Ministry: This ministry offers clothing, food, and household […]
Eastside Ministries
Eastside Ministries provides food, clothing, and other essential items to those in need. They will serve anyone once a year but to receive ongoing assistance you must reside in one […]
Community Link
The Community Link offers food and personal care items at no charge to those in need. You must live in one of the following zip codes: 76052, 76114, 76131, 76135, […]
Community Caring Center
The Community Caring Center provides various forms of help for families in need. Some of those include: food, clothing and winter coats, household goods, assistance with utilities, emergency dental care, […]
Arlington Charities
Arlington Charities offers the following services: Mobile food pantry: This pantry is held on the 4th Friday and 2nd Saturday of each month. It begins at 9am until all food […]
Arborlawn United Methodist Church
Arborlawn United Methodist Church offers the following services: Food Pantry: The pantry is open Tuesday through Thursday from 9am-12pm, in the SAM building. Clothing Room: The clothing room provides new […]
The Crowley House of Hope
The Crowley House of Hope provides medical treatment to uninsured qualified individuals in the 76036 zip code and the Crowley Independent School District. They offer adult medicine and pediatric care. […]
Cornerstone Assistance Network
The Cornerstone Assistance Network (CAN) offers the following services: Cornerstone Charitable Clinic: The clinic provides free comprehensive medical care to uninsured adults. All clinic services are provided by licensed physicians and […]
Mansfield Mission Center
Interest-free loans: Provide interest-free loans to help you meet immediate financial needs. We’ll then set up repayment plan that works for your budget and circumstances while offering financial coaching to […]
Presbyterian Night Shelter
The Presbyterian Night Shelter welcomes everyone and is the only free shelter in the area without length-of-stay restrictions. They are open 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Their […]
Arlington Life Shelter
Arlington Life Shelter serves men, women, and children of all ages. Emergency shelter services are provided for up to three (3) nights and during periods of extreme cold or heat. It […]
Community Enrichment Center
The Community Enrichment Center (CEC) offers the following services: Domestic Violence program: This program provides long-term housing and care for victims of domestic violence and their children. The program’s goals are […]
Martin Community Pantry-Martin United Methodist Church
This pantry provides food and household items to the Bedford Community. Open Hours 1st Thursday of the Month 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Every Saturday 10:00 a.m. – noon http://www.martinmethodist.org/mission 2621 […]
First United Methodist Church
First Street Methodist Mission provides food assistance for families and individuals, including groceries for those with a residence and proper documentation. Wednesdays & Thursdays | 10:00 am – 1:00 pm To […]
Christian Connection at St. Michael Catholic Church
Christian Connection is one of the social ministry outreach programs of St. Michael Catholic Church helping individuals living in the cities of Bedford and Euless. Funded by contributions from their parishioners, Christian Connection provides […]
The DesOrmeaux Foundation of Lafayette
The DesOrmeaux Foundation We are so excited to share with you our home for homeless pregnant women that is now open to pregnant women in need. The home, located in […]
Arlington Urban Ministries
Arlington Urban Ministries (AUM) offers the following assistance (all assistance is for Arlington residents only): Utility Assistance: The utility assistance application can be completed online. Just go to the homepage […]
Saint Andrew Catholic Parish
The Saint Andrew Catholic Parish has a food pantry. The hours are below: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:00 noon – 2:00 PM Wednesday Evening 6:30 PM -7:30 PM https://standrewcc.org/food-pantry-outreach-1 (817)927-5383 x. […]
NEED (North East Emergency Distribution)
Need’s focus and efforts are targeted to families living in the 13 Northeast Tarrant County zip codes in our service area. NEED East is located at 424 W. Bedford-Euless Road, […]
St. Joseph Shelter for Men of Lafayette, LA
St. Joseph Shelter for Men Provides emergency and transitional housing for up to 32 homeless men per night, 365 days per year. Residents participate in case management where they are […]
Greater Allen Chapel AME Church
This church has a Food Bank Ministry that operates on Tuesday and Friday from 9am-11:30am. http://www.allenchapel.net/outreach-ministry/ 6175 Scenic Highway Baton Rouge (225) 356-0719
Jewel J. Newman Community Center
The Jewel J. Newman Community Center serves the North Baton Rouge area and houses the Office of Social Services which provides services for energy and emergency assistance. They also offer […]
Louisiana 2-1-1
2-1-1 is an easy to remember phone number that connects callers to information and services in times of need. It is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, […]
Southeast Ministries Association, Inc.
Southeast Ministries Association offers the following services: Persons who reside within their area who meet the requirements and have no other food assistance may receive an order of food every […]
Living Waters Outreach Ministry
Living Waters offers the following services: Substance Abuse Center: The intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is a comprehensive and highly individualized program designed to help individuals address chemical dependancy and gambling addiction […]
Hope Ministries
Hope Ministries offers the following service: Our unique Client Choice Food Pantry creates an atmosphere of dignity for clients by enabling them to shop in a grocery store-like setting and […]
The Charles R. Kelly Community Center-Baton Rouge
The Center’s service area includes parts of ZIP codes 70805; 70811; 70812; and parts of 70818 and 70739. The Charles R. Kelly Community Center through the Office of Social Services offers […]
Chaneyville Community Center-Baton Rouge
The Community Center serves ZIP codes 70791, 70770, and some of 70739. Their services include: Assist with emergency utility, rent/mortgage payments, food vouchers, and medication. Operates a Food Pantry and […]
St. Vincent de Paul-Baton Rouge
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul offers the following services: The Society offers a hot meal in their Dining Room from 11:30am-1pm. The original Bishop Ott Shelter opened in […]
The Salvation Army of Baton Rouge
The Salvation Army is dedicated to helping individuals and families with crisis and emergency situations. Our Community Service offices provide a wide variety of assistance to individuals in need. These […]
Healing Place Church–food pantry
This church has a food pantry on the second and fourth Friday of each month from 9am-12pm at the Highland Campus Outreach Building-19202 Highland Rd., Baton Rouge, 70809. http://healingplacechurch.org
Greenspoint and Webster
The Salvation Army hosts a community holiday meal at the Family Residence shelter, 1603 McGowen, Houston, TX, 77004 (713)650-6530. Starts at 12pm. City Wide Club: Serves a hot meal on […]
Mobile County Community Resources – Mobile, AL
Mobile County Community Resources URL: http://www.mobileda.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/community_resources_mobile.pdf
Islamic Women in Service to Humanity – Assistance for Needy Families
Islamic Women In Service To Humanity P.O Box 73571, Houston, TX, 77273 (Get Directions) Open Now: 08:00 AM – 05:00 PM Assistance for Needy Families program provides financial assistance to those […]
Mumineen Relief – Welfare Assistance / Poverty Prevention
Welfare Assistance & Zakat Disbursement Welfare Assistance Program offers assistance by providing rental assistance, food, clothing, adult visitation and other services including transportation assistance and disaster relief to the needy. […]
Catholic Charities of Dallas
Description: Financial literacy, employment services, education, food programs, immigration legal services, disaster services, permanent supportive housing. URL: https://ccdallas.org/ Address: 9461 Lyndon B Johnson Freeway #128 Dallas, Texas 75243 Phone Number: 214-520-6590
RentAssistance.us RentAssistance provides a directory of rental assistance agencies and organizations that will help you pay your rent. Some listings are government organizations. Other are non-profits and charities that offer […]
South Carolina 2-1-1
Description: South Carolina 2-1-1 is your one-stop resource for finding assistance in your local community. Use the form below to find services. Or call 2-1-1 any time–24 hours a day, 365 days […]
Memphis Crisis Center
Memphis Crisis Center Volunteers may be able to refer callers, including those with a mental illness or disability, to programs that may assist them, including housing or rent, financial problems, […]
Where to Turn – Nashville’s Resource Guide
Where to Turn – Nashville The “Where to Turn in Nashville” resource guide is a publication of Open Table Nashville in coordination with Middle Tennessee nonprofits. Email: wttin@opentablenashville.org. Online Guide: http://www.wttin.org/ This publication includes […]
Shreveport/Bossier City Rescue Mission
Shreveport/Bossier City Rescue Mission GUEST PROGRAM The Guest Program exist to assist those finding themselves needing temporary emergency shelter. This program is designed to meet short term needs to help […]
Christian Service Hospitality House of Shreveport, LA
Christian Service Hospitality House Address: 2346 Levy St, Shreveport, LA 71103 Phone: 318-222-0809 Feeding the Hungry Meals are served 364 days a year (closed Christmas Day). Breakfast is served each […]
Common Ground Community Center of Shreveport, LA
Common Ground Community Center Address: 6806 Southern Ave, Shreveport, LA 71106 Phone: 318-221-7816 Thursday Night Clothing Room & Grocery Help – 5:45 PM After School Reading Program We are partnering […]
Open Hand Ministries of Shreveport, LA
Open Hand Ministries Address: 9325 Castlebrook Drive, Shreveport, LA 71129 Phone: 318-687-3330 Assist low income families New Life has partnered with Open Hand Ministries to provide clothing, food, and loving […]
Northwest Louisiana Food Bank in Shreveport
Northwest Louisiana Food Bank Address: 2307 Texas Ave, Shreveport, LA 71103 Phone: 318-675-2400 Our programs consist of: Food and Emergency Distribution Disaster Relief Senior Box Program Mobile Pantry Kids Cafe’ BackPack […]
Bernstein Development (Food) of Shreveport, LA
Bernstein Development, Inc. Address: 1706 Hollywood Ave, Shreveport, LA 71108 Phone: 318-636-2063 Bi-Weekly Soup Kitchen / Bi-Monthly Food Distribution: Via partnership with the Northwest Louisiana Food Bank, non-perishable and perishable foods is distributed […]
Outreach Center: Rapid Re-Housing Program
The Rapid Re-Housing Program empowers individuals and families experiencing homelessness to move into housing quickly by making funds available to local residents who are currently homeless. Assistance may include: rental […]
Second Harvest Food Bank-South Louisiana
Second Harvest Food Bank offers assistance with the following services: • Food pantry referrals • assistance with applying for SNAP (Food Stamps) •assistance with applying for FITAP – Family Independence […]
Luke 14:12 – Serving Nashville’s Homeless, Hungry, and Working Poor
Luke 14:12 – Serving Nashville’s Homeless, Hungry, and Working Poor Luke 14:12 serves lunch at noon every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, and the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the dining room […]
Tarrant County Human Services
http://access.tarrantcounty.com/en/human-services/categories.html Tarrant County Department of Human Services (TCDHS) is the County’s temporary financial assistance program. The mission of TCDHS is to provide social services and economic assistance to individuals and […]
Community Care Fellowship of Nashville, TN
Community Care Fellowship We serve as a daytime shelter for the homeless, providing hot meals, warm showers, laundry/hygiene facilities, pastoral counseling, and social services referrals. We also serve the children […]
Nashville Rescue Mission
Nashville Rescue Mission URL: https://www.nashvillerescuemission.org/ Phone: 615-227-2475 Food: Nashville Rescue Mission serves close to 2,000 meals a day to hungry, homeless, and hurting people in the community. This includes three hot […]
Farrington Mission
Farrington Mission offers the following services: Food Pantry: The pantry is open on Mondays from 6pm-8pm. The Source for Women provides cost-free pregnancy services and support, 3D and 4D ultrasound […]
Food Pantry
Fair Haven United Methodist Church has a food pantry that is open Monday-Friday from 10am-2pm. URL: http://www.chapelwood.org 1330 Gessner Road Houston, 77055 1-713-468-3276
East Spring Branch Food Pantry
East Spring Branch Food Pantry provides food free of cost to families in urgent need, who reside in zip codes 77024, 77041, 77043, 77055, 77080, and 77092. Their hours of […]
East End Social Services
East End Social Services has both a food pantry and clothes closet. They distribute food on Tuesday and Thursday from 3pm-5:30pm and Saturdays from 10am-2pm. Clothing Distribution occurs the first […]
Target Hunger
Target Hunger operates six food pantries that serve individuals and families who need food assistance in zip codes 77016, 77020, 77026, 77028, and 77078. Food pantry clients receive a monthly […]
Montgomery County Food Bank
Please call to find a food bank near you. You can call Monday-Thursday from 8am-5pm and Friday from 8am-4pm. (936) 271-8800 URL: http://mcfoodbank.org
\ Secondmile is a social service organization in Missouri City, TX. They offer the following services: The food pantry is open Tuesday through Thursday evenings and Saturdays to be available […]
Bay Area Habitat for Humanity
Bay Area Habitat for Humanity is the only non-profit home builder in the Galveston, Southeast Harris and Northern Brazoria County area partnering with families to build quality, safe, affordable and energy […]
Memphis Hospitality Hub
Hospitality Hub The Hospitality HUB is a hospitality, counseling, and resource center for homeless persons and those imminently homeless. Address: 82 N. Second Street, Memphis, TN 38103 Phone: (901) 522-1808 […]
Pearland Neighborhood Center
The Pearland Neighborhood Center helps individuals and families in Brazoria County. They offer the following assistance programs: Utility Assistance Rental Assistance Food and Baby Pantry: Assistance is available to eligible, […]
Veterans Housing Partnership
http://www.hccdallas.org/ Housing Crisis Center’s (HCC) mission is to prevent homelessness and to stabilize those at risk in decent, affordable, and permanent housing. We provide services designed to prevent homelessness, housing […]
Jay’s House
We are a spiritual faith-based home providing human services and opportunities for individual and community development. Helping Our People Exceed. A group home for adults who need help transitioning from […]
khadijah’s House
Khadijah’s House offers safe residential housing to the Muslim women and children need to be sheltered, protected, nurtured and cultivated in the way of their religious conscience without obstacles generally […]
Parker House – Sufa Projects
5601 Bridge Street, Fort Worth, TX, 76112 (Get Directions) Parker House provides residential housing to the homeless men in need. For more information please call us at 817-586-4470 […]
Huma-Faith – Sufa Project
http://www.humafaith.org/ Huma-Faith is a grass root non-profit interfaith organization that aims to address an array of social ills that negatively affect our society. Our mission is to be a […]
HUD – Ft Worth Housing Authority
https://www.fwhs.org/ Public housing was established to provide decent and safe rental housing for eligible low-income families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities. Public housing comes in all sizes and […]
Oxford House, Inc.
Oxford House is a concept in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Oxford House describes a democratically run, self-supporting and drug free home. The number of residents in a House […]
Mercy Housing
https://www.mercyhousing.org/ Mercy Housing is one of the nation’s largest affordable housing organizations. We participate in the development, preservation, management and/or financing of affordable, program-enriched housing across the country. Mercy […]
Fort Worth Affordable Housing
Fort Worth Housing Solutions (FWHS) is building vibrant and sustainable communities that improve the quality of life for the families it serves through the purchase, acquisition, and construction of affordable […]
The mission of Samaritan House is to create a supportive community providing housing and resources for positive change in the lives of persons living with HIV/AIDS and other special needs. […]
East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry, Inc.
The mission of East Fort Bend Human Needs Ministry (EFBHNM) is to address the basic human needs of families in temporary financial crisis in East Fort Bend County. They offer […]
Memphis Homeless Options through Community Alliance for the Homeless
MEMPHIS HOMELESS OPTIONS The purpose of the Memphis Homeless Options Tool is to help you identify potential resources that might help you, or someone you are assisting, leave homelessness. What […]
This website allows you to search for food pantries in your area. You can search by your state and then your city. http://www.foodpantries.org
Department of Children & Family Services -State of Louisiana
Description: “Working to keep children safe, helping individuals and families become self-sufficient, and providing safe refuge during disasters” URL: http://www.dcfs.la.gov/
Sistercare Inc. -Columbia
Description: Sistercare seeks to provide comprehensive services for victims of domestic violence and their children and to advocate on behalf of these survivors, and to help prevent domestic violence through […]
Intact Homeless Family Program of Memphis, TN
Intact Homeless Family Program Located near Shelby Forest, the Intact Homeless Family Program provides short-term transitional housing for homeless families. This unique ministry ministers to families as they reside in […]
Memphis Union Mission
Memphis Union Mission Provides help for the homeless, families, the hungry, and others in need. Their mission is to minister to the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of men, women and families who are homeless, […]
Houston-Habitat for Humanity
Houston Habitat for Humanity builds homes for qualified low-income Houstonians. Future Houston Habitat Homeowners contribute up to 250 hours of “sweat equity” and complete home maintenance and financial training to […]
Family Life Center (For Women and Children) – Nashville, TN
NASHVILLE RESCUE MISSION – FAMILY LIFE CENTER (FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN) Family Life Center provides women and children with emergency shelter. Food and clothing is provided. Each person is allowed […]
ShelterListings.Org – Find Shelter & Housing
Mission Statement To help the needy find shelter and assistance. This nation is going through tough times and providing a helping hand can help make the world a better place. […]
Habitat for Humanity -All
Description: Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in approximately 70 countries. Habitat’s vision is of a […]
Carter’s House
Carter’s House provides quality clothing to children and teens living in homeless and hard-working low-income families in Dallas County at no cost. Carter’s House currently has one operating program. Carter’s […]
National Resource Directory (NRD) for Veterans and Military
National Resource Directory (NRD) The NRD is a resource website that connects wounded warriors, Service Members, Veterans, their families, and caregivers to programs and services that support them. It provides […]
1960 Hope Center
The 1960 Hope Center is a daytime respite center for the homeless. They are open Monday-Friday from 9am to 3pm. The facility offers shelter from inclement weather, clean restrooms, hot showers, […]
Jordan Grove Baptist Church
Jordan Grove Baptist Church offers a food pantry to Houston residents. It is open every Wednesday at 10 am. You must bring an ID and proof of residence. URL: http://www.jordangrove.org 2603 […]
East Spring Branch Food Pantry
The East Spring Branch Food Pantry provides food free of cost to families in urgent need, who reside in zip codes 77024, 77041, 77043, 77055, 77080, and 77092. The pantry […]
Community Housing and Employment Programs of Honolulu
Community Housing and Employment Programs Steadfast Housing Development Corporation administers a continuum of housing and employment options throughout the state of Hawaii to adults with serious and persistent mental illnesses. […]
Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center of Honolulu, HI
Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center Address: 86-260 Farrington Hwy, Waianae, Hawaii 96792 Phone: (808) 697-3736 Services provided by Us or other local community agencies: Adoption Asthma Breastfeeding Child Care Child […]
Kalihi-Palama Health Center of Honolulu
Kalihi-Palama Health Center – Health Care For The Homeless Project Ka’a’ahi Street Clinic: Located at the Institute for Human Services (IHS) Homeless Shelter for Women and Families, services are provided […]
Department of Community Services of Honolulu
City & County Of Honolulu – Department Of Community Services 1505 Dillingham Blvd., Ste. 216 Honolulu, HI 96817-8087 Phone: (808) 768-5727 Grants may be issued from the Rent to Work […]
Friends For Life of Memphis, TN
Friends For Life – Short Term Rent/Mortgage and Utility Assistance 43 N Cleveland Memphis, TN 38104 (901) 272-0855 Services: Provides short-term rent, mortgage, and utility assistance for up to 21 […]
Memphis/Shelby County Emergency Housing Partnership
Memphis/Shelby Co Emergency Housing Partnership – HPRP Grant – Short-Term Rental/Housing Assistance 1407 Union Ave #1300 Memphis, TN 38104 (901) 260-4663 Services: Provides the Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing (HPRP) […]
Neighborhood Christian Center of Memphis, TN
Neighborhood Christian Center – Memphis – Rent/Utility Assistance 785 Jackson Ave Memphis, TN 38107 (901) 881-6013 Services: Provides rent and utility assistance when funding is available. Calls accepted ONLY at […]
River of Life Mission of Honolulu, HI
River of Life Mission of Honolulu Services: Free Clothing (Men, Women, & Children) Meal Services Food Box Program (Seniors or families with children under the age of 18) Shower Facility […]
Santa Maria
Santa Maria is Texas’ largest multi-site residential and outpatient substance abuse treatment center and one of a very few to provide a comprehensive continuum for pregnant and parenting women and […]
Highland Heights United Methodist Church of Memphis, TN
Highland Heights United Methodist Church Services: Food Pantry – Hours: Mondays 9 AM-12 PM New Mother Mentoring Ministry Recovery/Support Groups Address: 685 S. Highland Street, Memphis, TN 38111 Phone: (901) […]
Holy Trinity Community Church Food Pantry of Memphis, TN
Holy Trinity Community Church Food Pantry Hours: Mondays 9 AM-12 PM Address: 685 S. Highland Street, Memphis, TN 38111 Phone: (901) 320-9376
8th Street Mission of West Memphis
8th Street Mission Offers emergency food, clothing, hygiene products, fuel assistance, and shelter. Call first to check availability of services. Address: 717 East Broadway, West Memphis, AR 72301 Phone: (870) […]
St. Mary Magdalene Church
St. Mary Magdalene Church offers the following services to members of the Humble community: The church has a food pantry that is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:30am to 12pm. […]
Riceville Mt. Olive Baptist Church
Riceville Mt. Olive Baptist Church offers the following services: They have a food pantry on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 6 pm. They also offer assistance with rent […]
Pasadena Community Ministries
Pasadena Community Ministries has a food pantry for residents of the Pasadena/Deerpark area. They are open on Tuesday from 9-12 and Thursday from 1-4. You must bring an ID for […]
North Channel Assistance Ministries
North Channel Assistance Ministries (NCAM) serves the following zip codes: 77015, 77044, 77049, 77078, 77530, and parts of 77029. They have an emergency food pantry which can be used once […]
Helping Hands of Hawaii
Helping Hands Hawaii 2100 N. Nimitz Highway Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 440-3835 for prescreening Services: Provide financial assistance that is aimed towards preventing homelessness due to an unexpected emergency.
Schofield Barracks Army Emergency Relief of Hawaii
Army Community Service – Schofield Barracks Army Emergency Relief 2091 Kolekole Avenue, Bldg. 2091 Schofield Barracks, HI 96857 (808) 655-4227 Services: Rent Payment Assistance for Active Military and Families of […]
Salvation Army of Honolulu, HI
Salvation Army 1931 North King Street Honolulu, HI 96819 (808) 841-5565 Services: Clothing, Food Pantries, Holiday Programs, Money Management, Mortgage Payment Assistance, Nutrition Education, Rent Payment Assistance, Rental Deposit Assistance […]
Family Promise of Lake Houston
Family Promise of Lake Houston will provide a caring and positive environment for homeless children and their families while they design and execute a plan to break the cycle of […]
Family Promise of Montgomery County
The mission of Family Promise is to serve homeless families with children by uniting faith communities in a cooperative effort to provide shelter, meals, transportation, and compassionate assistance leading to […]
The Beacon
The Beacon is a day center for Houston’s homeless. They assist with registration and intake as well as immediate assessment of each client’s needs. A hot lunch, access to showers, […]
Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs – Shreveport, LA
Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs We connect you with the benefits you earned. Our community is proud to serve Louisiana’s veterans. These resources are available through dedicated community efforts. Additional […]
Baytown Housing Authority
This website offers information regarding applying for affordable housing to low and moderate income residents of Baytown, Texas. The website allows you to print an application for public housing and […]
Houston Housing Authority
The Houston Housing Authority website allows you to apply for public housing. The Houston Housing Authority is no longer accepting paper applications for public housing, at any of its sites […]
The Domestic Abuse Center -Columbia
Description: The Domestic Abuse Center (DAC) offers a batterer intervention program for court ordered and voluntary clients in many counties of South Carolina. Our program is approved by the various Circuit Solicitors’ […]
Crossroads at Park Place
Crossroads at Park Place is a day shelter in Southeast Houston. While clients enjoy the respite and wellness this retreat from the streets provides, breakfast and lunch are served. Separate showering facilities […]
Bay Area Homeless Services
Bay Area Homeless Services (BAHS) provides emergency homeless shelter services for low-income clients in the East Harris County, Baytown, Liberty County and Chambers County area. They have separate men’s and women’s […]
Magnificat Houses
Magnificat Houses offers the following services: Meals: They operate Loaves & Fishes, a large soup kitchen in downtown Houston where 200 to 300 of Houston’s chronically hungry gather six days a […]
Dorothy Day House of Memphis, TN
Dorothy Day House The Dorothy Day House keeps homeless families together, creating a safe haven and a community for entire families. In typical shelters, homeless families are often separated. Men […]
Montgomery County Women’s Center
24-Hour Crisis Hotline: 1-936-441-7273 The Montgomery County Women’s Center works with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. They offer the following services: Crisis Intervention and Advocacy Medical and Legal […]
Memphis Day Shelter
Memphis Day Shelter Emergency Shelters: 383 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN Opportunity Center at 600 Poplar Ave, Memphis, TN Phone: (901) 526-8403
Safe Harbor of Memphis
Safe Harbor of Memphis Emergency shelter is offered for three days during fair weather-longer in weather emergencies. After the initial 3 days, individuals who desire active recovery may enter a […]
Wellsprings Village, Inc.
Wellsprings is a nonprofit charitable organization which offers long term transitional housing and supportive services for homeless and/or abused women. They are able to serve 40-44 women at any given […]
Houston Area Women’s Center (HAWC)
The Houston Area Women’s Center (HAWC) works with survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. They offer the following services: Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-713-528-2121 Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-713-528-RAPE (7273) HAWC […]
Fort Bend Women’s Center
Domestic violence can take many forms. It is not only physical abuse. Domestic violence can be emotional, verbal, sexual, economic, spiritual and psychological. It can and does happen to all […]
Hawaii Public Housing Authority
Hawaii Public Housing Authority The Hawaii Public Housing Authority helps provide Hawaii residents with affordable housing and shelter without discrimination. HPHA efforts focus on developing affordable rental and supportive housing, public […]
This website allows you to search for affordable rentals and housing options in your area. Simply go to the website and click on your state and then your city. URL: http://www.lowincomehousing.us
O’ Brien House – Baton Rouge, LA
O’ Brien House Residential Treatment O’Brien House offers a 3 months comprehensive, multi-phase residential program based upon the American Society of Addictive Medicines (ASAM) Levels of Care criteria. This program […]
My Brother’s Keeper Outreach Center
Services / Programs Client Services interviews each individual to determine the most effective way that MBK can assist them through their crisis and help them to obtain self sufficiency. MBK […]
Windsor Village Social Services
Windsor Village Social Services provides assistance for members and those in the surrounding community of Harris & Ft. Bend Counties with rent/mortgage/utilities (water-gas-light) and food. Hours & days of operation […]
The Bridge Over Troubled Waters
The Bridge is a family crisis center that serves survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. They offer services to both adults and children. Adult services include crisis intervention, case […]
Sarah’s House
At Sarah’s House, our mission is to provide emergency shelter, meals, clothing and basic necessities for homeless women and their children. URL: http://www.sarahshouse.org 711 Perla Road Pasadena, TX 77502 1-713-475-1480
Pasadena Community Ministries
Pasadena Community Ministry (PCM) serves as a food pantry for the following zip codes: 77501, 77502, 77503, 77504, 77505, 77506, 77536. The Food Pantry Hours: Tuesday 9:00am – 12:00pm Thursday […]
Katy Christian Ministries
Katy Christian Ministries (KCM) offers the following services to those who live within their service area (77084, 77094, 77406, 77423, 77441, 77449, 77450, 77464, 77476, 77485, 77493, 77494): Limited financial […]
Chapelwood United Methodist Church
This church has a food pantry that is open Monday-Friday from 10am-2pm. URL: http://www.chapelwood.org/fairhaven/serve/ 1330 Gessner Road Houston, 77055 1-713-468-3276
Bethel’s Heavenly Hands
Our community service events include the following: Thursday Food Distributions – We serve approximately 4,500 to 6,000 individuals monthly Senior Commodity Program – Distribute food […]
St. Pius V Catholic Church
The Parish Food Pantry Program offers a variety of emergency services including food, financial help with *rent/mortgage, *utilities, and *school supplies. *=when funding/materials are available Food Pantry Hours Tuesday & Thursday 10:00 a.m. […]
Kingwood United Methodist Church
Society of St. Stephen is a community outreach assistance ministry serving persons living in the 77327, 77336, 77339, 77345, 77346, 77357, 77365, and 77372 zip codes. Each Monday, Wednesday and […]
Interfaith of the Woodlands
Family Services include the following. Their service area includes 77380-77382, 77384-77385, the portion of 77386 north of the Grand Parkway, the portions of 77389 and 77375 in the Village of […]
Interfaith Caring Ministries
Interfaith Caring Ministries (ICM) has following the programs for those who live in the CCISD and Friendswood ISD: Emergency Rent and Utility Assistance: If you need assistance, please call (281) 332-3881 […]
Ultimate Changes Inc.
Ultimate Changes is a transitional living center for men. The center offers the following services: Individual Counseling Group Process Relapse Prevention Relapse Education Drug Resistance Education HIV Education Money Management […]
Star of Hope Mission
The Star of Hope offers the following services: Women and Family Development Center at Star of Hope’s Cornerstone Community: This shelter is for single women and families. They offer 30 […]
Sarah’s House
Sarah’s House was established in 2001 as a non-profit organization dedicated to providing emergency care, shelter, food, clothing and other basic necessities to women and their children. Our goal is to […]
Open Door Mission
DoorWay Recovery Center: To rescue men enslaved by substance abuse disorders, co-occurring illnesses, and homelessness, the Mission’s 7- month residential DoorWay Recovery Program (DoorWay) provides services to heal body, mind […]
The Mission of Yahweh
The Mission of Yahweh is a homeless shelter for women and children. The Mission of Yahweh is a faith-based, non-denominational emergency & transitional shelter located in Houston, Texas that empowers, enriches […]
ECHOS (Epiphany Community Health Outreach Services)
ECHOS provides the following service: Benefits Application Assistance: ECHOS assists families with submitting applications to State and County medical and social services such as the Harris Health System-Financial Assistance Program […]
Family Houston
Family Houston provides the following services: Case Management: Offers assistance with applying for benefits, locating transportation assistance, obtaining dental and medical services, get legal assistance, and find food and housing. […]
Harris County Housing Authority
The Harris County Housing Authority (HCHA) website allows you to search an online database of available affordable housing units within Harris County. Go to the website and click on “Residents” […]
New Hope Housing-Houston
For more than 25 years, people have been at the heart of New Hope Housing’s mission. New Hope Housing currently has 7 locations. Please see the website and click on […]
Homeless Shelter Directory website
This website allows the user to click their location on a map to find a local homeless shelter. The website also allows you to search for soup kitchens, rent assistance […]
Emergency Aid Coalition-Houston
The Emergency Aid Coalition (EAC) offers clothing, a food pantry, and hot lunch. They are open Monday-Friday from 8:30 am-1 pm, closed on Saturday, and open Sunday from 11 am-1 […]
Westbury Church of Christ-food pantry
This food pantry is open on Saturdays from 10am to 12pm. Please bring proof of address, and a statement of gross income. You can come once per calendar month. The […]
West Houston Assistance Ministries (WHAM)
West Houston Assistance Ministries (WHAM) offers the following services: Food pantry: This pantry is open Monday-Friday from 10am-2pm and Saturdays for working clients. This is only available for those in […]
Greater Ward AME Church-food pantry
This food pantry is open every 3rd and 4th Thursday from 3 pm-5 pm–it is located in the Fellowship Hall. URL: http://www.greaterwardamechurchhouston.org 6822 Arabella St. Houston, 77091 1-713-697-5657
The Mainstream Connection-food pantry
This food pantry is open Monday-Friday from 10 am-2 pm. You must bring ID (driver’s license or passport) and a box for your food. 415 E. Crosstimbers Houston, TX 77022 […]
The Church Without Walls-Houston-food pantry
This food pantry is open each Saturday from 10-12 each Saturday at the Bingle Road location (5314 Bingle Rd., Houston, 77091). URL: http://churchwithoutwalls.org Office: 1-281-649-6800
St. Peter Claver Catholic Church-Houston
St. Peter Claver Catholic Church offers the following services: Food Pantry: The food pantry only serves residents in 77028 and 77078 zip codes. DAYS OF SERVICE: Wednesday Pantry 8:00am to […]
Need Help Paying Bills -Search by State
NEED HELP PAYING BILLS Description: Find information on assistance programs, charity organizations, and other resources that will provide you help with paying bills, rent, mortgages, debts and more. Search by […]
Alpha Omega Veterans Services of Memphis, TN
Alpha Omega Veterans Services Provides transitional and permanent supportive housing for homeless veterans with a dual diagnosis. 90-day program includes shelter, counseling, clothing, and meals. Participants can stay in a […]
Missionaries Union Mission of Memphis, TN
Missionaries of Charity Provides emergency shelter for single women and women with children, but clients must leave the premises during the day. Address: 700 N Seventh St, Memphis, TN 38107 […]
HER Faith Ministries of Memphis, TN
Her Faith Ministries Faith-based transitional housing that offers low-cost housing, food, clothing, transportation (for mothers with children to work, to various social service agencies, to school, and other business concerns), and […]
Dept of Veterans Affairs – Ft Worth
Fort Worth Vet Center 6620 Hawk Creek Avenue Westworth Village, TX 76114 The Veterans Health Administration is America’s largest integrated health care system, providing care at 1,240 health care facilities, including […]
St. Leo the Great Catholic Church-Houston
This church offers the following services: Blessed Beginnings: Blessed Beginnings is a program sponsored by Catholic Charities that educates and supports moms and dads of infants and young children on subjects […]
St. Jerome Catholic Community-Food Pantry
This church offers a food pantry to residents of zip codes 77043, 77080, and north half of 77055. The pantry is open Monday-Thursday from 9:30 am-12 pm. URL: http://www.stjeromehou.org/stvdepaul […]
Lord of the Streets-Houston
Lord of the Streets offers the following services: Direct Assistance: This program offers a day shelter, emergency clothing and hygiene items, food, and a mailing address at which to receive […]
The ExtraMile -Lafayette
Description: Helping those in need with family programs, and through donations by the public. Enhances and enriches the quality of life for all persons served by the state of Louisiana by […]
New Start Center -Lafayette
Description: Assists abused women and their children. Services are available free of charge to all physically or emotionally abused women, men and their children. Temporary shelter Education Support groups […]
Food Pantry-Houston
The Southside Church of Christ has a food pantry that operates every 4th Saturday of the month between the hours of 10 am-1 pm. You must reside in the following […]
The Sonrise Shelter-Houston
The Sonrise Shelter offers the following services: Emergency shelter: This shelter is open 24 hours per day and 365 days of the year. Those who enter the shelter will receive […]
Impact Houston Church of Christ-food pantry
The Impact Resource Center has a food pantry that is open Monday-Friday. They provide food, clothing, and also have furniture and household goods for special needs. For more information please […]
Goodwill Industries of Acadiana -Lafayette
Description: Goodwill Industries of Acadiana’s is an information and referral program. It is a gateway to services for persons in search of employment and resources. The services provided under the […]
AIDS Foundation of Houston
The AIDS Foundation of Houston (AFH) provides the following services to those living with HIV/AIDS: Housing: They work with the chronically homeless HIV/AIDS population including single individuals with issues related […]
Meals on Wheels for Greater Houston
Interfaith Ministries’ Meals on Wheels program provides home-delivered meals to disabled adults and homebound clients over 60. Sign up by contacting 1-713-533-4978. URL: http://www.imgh.org/meals-wheels-greater-houston/
St. Justin Martyr Social Ministry-Houston
The St. Justin Martyr Catholic Community offers financial assistance and food to zip codes 77082 and 77083. Food only assistance is offered to zip code 77077. For information regarding required […]
Food Pantry-Houston
The House of Amos has an emergency food pantry to provide food to families in crisis. Families may receive a distribution of food from House of Amos a maximum of […]
Saint John Vianney Social Services-Houston
This church offers the following services to residents of zip codes 77043, 77055, 77077, and 77079: Food pantry: The pantry is open MWF from 9 am to 12 pm. Utility […]
St. Hyacinth Catholic Church-Deer Park
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of St. Hyacinth Catholic Church offers person-to-person service to those individuals and families that are in need in the Deer Park area by […]
Food Pantry-Houston
St. Bernadette Catholic Church offers a food pantry to the local community needing food and gently used clothing. It is open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:30 am to […]
Spring Woodlands Ministries-Houston-food pantry
Spring Woodlands Ministries offers a food pantry to residents of the following zip codes: 77373, 77388, 77389, 77073, 77338, 77380, 77381, 77382, 77386, and 77379. The food pantry is open […]
Acadiana C.A.R.E.S. -Lafayette
Description: Addresses the issues associated with the HIV/AIDS pandemic and provide education and services for HIV prevention and care for those living with and affected by HIV/AIDS. case management […]
Food Pantry-Houston
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church operates a food pantry. Those in need of assistance can come by the church on Thursdays at 9:30 am. URL: http://immaculateconceptionhouston.org 7250 Harrisburg Boulevard Houston, TX […]
Humble Area Assistance Ministries
Humble Area Assistance Ministries (HAAM) offers services to the following zip codes: 77336, 77338, 77339, 77345, 77346, 77347, 77357, 77365, 77372, 77396, 77532, 77044, 77302, and 77306. Their services include: […]
Mission Centers of Houston
Mission Centers of Houston offers the following services: Food and Clothing: There are two centers in the Houston area: Gano Mission Center and Joy Mission Center. The Gano Mission Center […]
Community Assistance Division of Honolulu, HI
Community Assistance Division The objectives of the Community Assistance Division (CAD) are to provide rental assistance to eligible low-income families; preserve decent, safe, and sanitary housing for low, moderate, and […]
Wesley Community Center-Houston
The Wesley Community Center (WCC) offers the following community services: Childcare: WCC’s Early Childhood Education Program offers year round care to children 18 months to age 5. They also offer […]
Memphis Shelby Crime Commission
Memphis Shelby Crime Commission The Memphis Shelby Crime Commission has created unprecedented partnerships with businesses, schools, neighborhood associations, hospitals, public safety agencies, and local violence prevention organizations in an effort […]
Agape Child and Family Services of Memphis, TN
Agape Child & Family Services We offer opportunities for those we serve to form a connection with or reconnect with their faith. Our holistic approach enables us to address the […]
The Hub: Urban Ministries – Shreveport, LA
The Hub: Urban Ministries T.H.U.M. exists to walk those in poverty through a process that gives them hope, friendship, community, a place they belong and the skills needed to become […]
The Montrose Center-Houston
The Montrose Center’s goal is to empower the Houston community, primarily lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals and their families, to enjoy healthier and more fulfilling lives. Services are available […]
The Outreach Center -Lafayette
Description: We provide individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Acadiana with the resources they need to secure a second chance at life. Since 1990 we have helped hundreds of families […]
Houston Area Women’s Center
The Houston Area Women’s Center (HAWC) offers the following services: 24-hour crisis hotlines: HAWC offers a hotline for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-713-528-2121 Sexual Assault […]
Providence House – Shreveport, LA
The Providence House The Providence House helps families address the root causes that leads to homelessness and ultimately moves them toward their highest level of self-sufficiency. How We Help Education […]
FamilyTime Crisis and Counseling Center
The FamilyTime Crisis and Counseling Center offers the following services: Counseling Services: FamilyTime offers professional counseling services for individuals, families, couples, teens, group counseling, play therapy for children, parenting education […]
Housing Authority of Lafayette
Description: Provides information on our programs and services. LHA is committed to the creation, preservation and expansion of quality, affordable housing opportunities throughout Lafayette, Louisiana. Calendar of Events feed from the […]
Family Promise of Acadiana -Lafayette
Description: The Family Promise network is an organization providing shelter, meals and comprehensive support to families without homes. It is the only program in the area that offers shelter to entire […]
Bay Area Turning Point, Inc.
Bay Area Turning Point’s (BATP) services are for survivors of family violence and stranger/non-stranger sexual assault. BATP has a 24 hour crisis hotline (1-281-286-2525) that is manned by trained staff […]
Arc of Acadiana -Lafayette Parish
Description: The Arc of Acadiana provides services for persons with developmental disabilities, helping to provide them an opportunity to develop, participate and live life to their fullest potential. Choose where […]
Mental Health America of Greater Houston-Resource Guide
Mental Health America of Greater Houston has created The Guide: Mental Health Resource Brochure. It contains a listing of mental health resources in Harris County that are low-cost and affordable. […]
M.I. Lewis Social Service Center-Dickinson
The M.I. Lewis Social Service Center offers the following assistance programs: Emergency Financial Assistance: Assistance is offered for rent, utilities, and medicine. Recipients must reside in the Dickinson Independent School […]
Catholic Services of Acadiana -Lafayette
Description: Offers basic human services to individuals and families experiencing hunger, poverty, and homelessness in Acadiana St. Joseph Diner -Prepares and serves free lunch meals from 11:00 am – 11:50 […]
Emergency Aid Coalition-Houston
The Emergency Aid Coalition (EAC) offers assistance with clothing and food (Note: You must have a current photo ID to access the food pantry or clothing center): Food: EAC’s food […]
Braes Interfaith Ministries-Houston
Braes Interfaith Ministries Food Pantry offers groceries, personal items, and clothing vouchers to their resale and consignment shop. Baby formula, infant and adult diapers are also usually available. Zip codes […]
Better Community Development, Inc. – Little Rock, AR
About BCD Since 1981, BCD has served the disadvantaged of Little Rock’s 12th Street Corridor. Originally founded as Black Community Developers, an outreach program of Theresa Hoover United Methodist Church, […]
Lucie’s Place – Little Rock, AR
Lucie’s Place provides LGBTQ young adults experiencing homelessness in Central Arkansas with safe living environments, job training and counseling services in order to ensure lifelong stability and success, and works […]
Centers For Youth And Families – Little Rock, AR
Centers for Youth and Families Our programs address typical family issues and concerns that today’s families encounter along with serving specific areas such as socially and emotionally challenged and at-risk […]
Financial Assistance for Infants-Houston
The following organizations provide assistance with diapers and formula: L.I.F.E. Houston provides free assistance with 6-7 days worth of formula to qualified applicants. Please see the website for a list […]
Houston Food Bank
The Houston Food Bank offers an array of services well beyond providing food. Below is a description of these services: Client Assistance Program (CAP): This program provides assistance with applying […]
Summer Food Service Program -Lafayette
Description: The Summer Food Service Program is a program that provides free, nutritious meals to all children during the summer vacation period. Who is Eligible Any child 1-18 years of […]
River City Ministries – Little Rock, AR
SERVICES Spiritual Services A spiritual counselor is available Monday -Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. for prayers, counseling, Bible study, and spiritual guidance. Ladies Bible Study Tuesdays at […]
Helping Hand of Greater Little Rock – Little Rock, AR
Who We Are And What We Do… The Helping Hand of Greater Little Rock is a food pantry, thrift shop and provider of limited financial assistance to thousands of families in Central Arkansas. Through […]
Friendly Chapel – Little Rock, AR
Friendly Chapel F.L.A.M.E All of the ministries fall under the umbrella of Friendly Chapel F.L.A.M.E., which stands for: Feeding and Loving All Men Equally. Friendly Chapel F.L.A.M.E. includes the following […]
Low-Rent Public Housing Program-Houston
The Low-Rent Public Housing Program provides affordable rental housing for families, seniors, and persons with disabilities at developments that are owned by the Housing Authority. The Housing Authority owns 25 […]
Housing Choice Voucher Program (formerly Section 8)
The Housing Choice Voucher Program (formerly Section 8) provides financial assistance, in the form of a voucher, to low-income families, for rental units of their choice in the private market. […]
Texas Dept of Agriculture – SummerFood.Org
http://www.squaremeals.org/Programs/SummerFeedingPrograms/SummerFeedingInteractiveMap.aspx tel:(877)TEX-MEAL
Caddo Community Action Agency – Shreveport, LA
Caddo Community Action Agency, Inc. Assistance Programs Caddo Community Action Agency, Inc. changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes Caddo a better place to live. […]
Texas Health and Human Services
Choosing quality child care is important, no matter which kind of provider you decide upon. Please select in the link below for options to best assist you with your search […]
The American Legion – Family Support Network
Family Support Network The American Legion’s Family Support Network is ready to provide immediate assistance to service personnel and their families, whose lives have been directly affected by the ongoing […]
USDA Child Care Wellness Grant Program – Texas
USDA Child Care Wellness Grants Farm to Child Care The FTC grant projects create connections between local farmers, their fresh produce and the children in the child care setting. FTC […]
Honolulu Community Action Program
Honolulu Community Action Program OUR PROGRAMS HCAP offers a wide variety of programs and services to assist individuals and families to achieve self-reliance. HCAP offers programs and services in six […]
Tennessee Association of Community Action
Tennessee Association of Community Action Community Action Agencies (CAAs) are private nonprofit and public organizations created out of Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 to combat poverty. CAAs assess community needs […]
USDA Food and Nutrition Service
Programs Available: Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) Eligibility & How to Apply Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR) Participant Eligibility The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) Participant Eligibility Supplemental […]
Children and Adult Food Care Program (CACFP) – Texas
The Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) reimburses child care centers, day care home providers, and adult day care centers for part of the cost associated with serving […]
Tennessee – TEFAP (The Emergency Food Assistance Program)
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) TEFAP is a Federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food and nutrition […]
The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse
The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse is an Office of Family Assistance (OFA) funded national resource for fathers, practitioners, programs/Federal grantees, states, and the public at-large […]
Department of Human Services by State
Department of Human Services by State The Department of Human Services in each state provide services for: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program Supplement Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Child […]
Mission Arlington Metroplex
Mission Arlington Metroplex offers the following services: Food, clothing, and personal hygiene items. Financial assistance with rent, utilities, prescriptions, and gas vouchers (provided on a limited basis for someone […]
Smile Community Action Agency -Lafayette
Description: SMILE Community Action Agency serves as a clearinghouse for community needs, with a focus on health, education, economic stability, and the betterment of all disadvantaged individuals, children and families […]
Hawaii Meals on Wheels
Hawaii Meals on Wheels Hawaii Meals on Wheels is dedicated to helping Oahu’s elders and individuals with disabilities preserve their independence at home. We do this primarily by providing hot, […]
Memphis Community Centers
Memphis Community Centers Each community center provides: Classes, programs and events in five core services (see individual Community Center pages for specific offerings.) Health, fitness, and wellness services and programs […]
Harris County Community Services Department
The Harris County Community Services Department offers the following services: Housing: The department offers a Downpayment Assistance Program (DAP) to those who are income eligible and a first-time homebuyer (or […]
Foodnet Food Bank of Lafayette
Description: Provides food to those in need, generate community support and create awareness. A referral letter from “232-HELP” is required each month. Individuals can obtain only one order of food […]
Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA) of Memphis, TN
Metropolitan Inter-Faith Association (MIFA) URL: https://www.mifa.org/ Address: 910 Vance Avenue, Memphis, TN 38126 Phone: (901) 527-0208 Our Programs MIFA supports the independence of vulnerable seniors and families in crisis through the high-impact programs […]
The Arc Mid-South in Memphis, TN
The Arc Mid-South Empowering people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to achieve their full potential. URL: http://www.thearcmidsouth.org/index.htm Address: 3485 Poplar Avenue, Suite 210, Memphis, TN 38111 Phone: 901.327.2473 Who We Support Adults aged […]
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs offers many benefit programs to Veterans and their families. They offer benefits such as disability compensation, pension, GI Bill (financial assistance for the pursuit […]
City Mission Laura’s Home Women’s Crisis Center -Cleveland
Description: Emergency Shelter for Women & Children. Provides short-term emergency shelter and a longer-term program for in-crisis women and women with children. Food Shelter Clothing Safety Employment URL: https://www.thecitymission.org/lauras-home-womens-crisis-center/ Address: 18120 […]
Family Connections -Cleveland
Description: Family Connections provides parenting support and educational opportunities for families with children from birth through age 5. They offer year-round, free and low cost programs and services for families […]
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services It is the mission of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to enhance and protect the health and well-being of […]
Tennessee Department of Veterans Services
Tennessee Department of Veterans Services The Tennessee Department of Veterans Services (TDVS) operates 14 field offices, four Tennessee State Veterans Cemeteries, serves as liaison for three Tennessee State Veterans Homes, […]
Cuyahoga County Veterans Service Commission -Cleveland
Description: From VA benefits to emergency financial assistance, memorial affairs, medical transportation, and so much more, they are there to ease your stress and help you regain your footing. Services […]
City of Cleveland, Department of Aging
Description: Elderly Resources Health and Social Services Home Maintenance Senior Education and Information Financial Assistance Housing Senior Safety Volunteering Senior Employment Transportation URL: http://portal.cleveland-oh.gov/CityofCleveland/Home/Government/CityAgencies/Aging Address: 75 Erieview Plaza, 2nd Floor Cleveland, OH […]
Jubilee Park and Community Center Public Health – Dallas
Jubilee Park and Community Center Public Health – Dallas We offer resources and education to our children and families to facilitate eating nutritiously, growing healthy foods, getting proper exercise and […]
Cuyahoga County Division of Senior and Adult Services -Cleveland
Description: Empowers seniors and adults with disabilities to age successfully by providing resources and support that preserve their independence. Programs and Services: Adult Protective Services (APS) – mandated by the state […]
Homeless Shelters Directory
Homeless Shelters Directory Helping the Needy of America. The Homeless Shelter Directory was started as a list of homeless shelters. We now provide listings for the following: Homeless Shelters Homeless […]
Foodpantries.org Foodpantries.org have set up this directory of Food Banks, Soup Kitchens, and non-profit organizations committed to fighting hunger. The information is collected manually and is as accurate as possible. […]
Texas Benefits-applying for SNAP, TANF, healthcare assistance, and WIC
This website offers education regarding SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-“food stamps”), TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), financial assistance with the costs of healthcare, and WIC (Women, Infants, and Children). […]
Feeding America
Feeding America Feeding America is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit recognized by the IRS. Our mission is to feed America’s hungry through a nationwide network of member food banks and engage […]
Hawaii FoodBank, Inc.
Hawaii FoodBank, Inc. The Hawaii Foodbank is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) agency in the state of Hawaii that collects, warehouses and distributes mass quantities of both perishable and nonperishable food through […]
Goodwill of the Houston area offers the following services: Clothing/Household items: Goodwill has multiple stores in the Houston area that provide low-cost clothing and household items. Please see the website […]
Texas National Guard Family Support Foundation
Texas National Guard Family Support Foundation Support, Empower and Honor Texas Guard Families The Texas National Guard Family Support Foundation is a non-profit organization [501(c)(3)] founded in 2004 by a […]
Houston Furniture Bank
The Houston Furniture Bank has an outlet center. Their website indicates they offer “top-notch values at thrift-store prices”. They are open from Tuesday to Saturday, 8am to 4pm. URL: http://houstonfurniturebank.org 8220 […]
Phoenix Foundation – Dallas Housing Authority (DHA)
DHA established the Phoenix Self-Sufficiency Foundation to encourage residents to further their education in college, trade or technical school. It provides financial assistance through 3 different scholarship types to […]
Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center (Greater Cleveland)
Description: Empower individuals, educate the community and advocate for justice to end domestic violence and child abuse. Domestic Violence Child Abuse Teen Dating Violence Stalking Families Training & Education URL: https://www.dvcac.org/ […]
Operation -Once in a Lifetime
Operation Once in a Lifetime’s mission is to make the dreams of U.S. Soldiers and their families come true by providing free financial and morale support to U.S Service members, […]
Friendship House of First Baptist of Garland
Friendship House of First Baptist Church of Garland Texas Friendship House, a relief ministry sponsored by First Baptist Church of Garland, in conjunction with local churches and community organizations, helps […]
Job & Family Services -Cleveland
Description: Promotes economic self-sufficiency and personal responsibility for families by providing a broad range of quality services. Child Support Services Support Services Administrative Hearings Enforcement Paternity & Support Establishment Putative […]
Parenting Program – Catholic Charities of Dallas
Catholic Charities of Dallas Parenting Program Catholic Charities, a national organization, helps people in their communities who are struggling by addressing the often complex issues at the root of their […]
The Salvation Army of Greater Cleveland -Cleveland
Description: With simple disaster referral, our clients can receive needed clothing, emergency financial assistance, food, casework and aid to families. Adult Rehabilitation Centers Children and Teen Services Family Thrift Stores […]
NorthTexasFamilies.org is a comprehensive website where families can find programs, connect to services and apply for benefits. This online resource is a single resource for early childhood programs, education, parenting […]
Description: Cleveland’s housing search site. Renters search for free, landlords list rental housing for free. URL: http://www.housingcleveland.org
Greater Cleveland Food Bank -Cleveland
Description: Community food distribution center Provides a list of pantry and hot food sites Provides food and other critical grocery products annually to Hot meal programs, Shelters, Mobile pantries, […]
Northside Community Center – After School Program
NORTHSIDE COMMUNITY CENTER The Salvation Army – DFW Metroplex Child Care Program CONTACT Captain Jana Griffin 3023 NW 24th St. Fort Worth, TX 76164 Phone: (817) 624-3111 Fax: […]
Another Chance of Ohio -Cleveland
Description: The Free Shop offers clothing, house wares, furniture and appliances free of charge. Families and/or individual completes an information card which is maintained in a confidential file. Furniture Distribution Program […]
The Salvation Army DFW- Shelter/Financial Assistance
The Salvation Army DFW Metroplex Command – 8787 N. Stemmons Freeway, Suite 800 Dallas, Texas 75247 HOMELESS MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN The Salvation Army offers clean, dignified surroundings, where homeless individuals receive […]
Cleveland Furniture Bank/Thrift Store -Cleveland
Description: Provides gently used furniture to individuals by referral only. The Thrift Store sells wide selection and price range of new and gently used furniture, clothing, household goods, small and […]
Northwest Assistance Ministries
Northwest Assistance Ministries (NAM) offers various types of assistance to the following zip codes: 77014, 77032, 77038, 77050, 77060, 77064, 77066, 77067, 77068, 77069, 77070, 77073, 77086, 77090, 77379, 77388, […]
United Way of Acadiana -Lafayette
Description: Free tax prep Financial savings education and coaching Responds to crisis from hurricanes to floods by providing the basic needs and partnering with the local organizations that […]
USDA Commodities – Texas
The purpose of this program is to improve the health and nutritional status of elderly persons, 60 and older, who are vulnerable to malnutrition and are income eligible. USDA provides […]
United Way of the Midlands -Columbia
Description: Unites people and resources to improve the quality of life in the Midlands of SC. Works to determine and respond to the critical human service needs of the community, […]
Fort Worth, Texas Food Pantries FoodPantries.org works hard to gather dozens of local food pantries, soup kitchens, food shelves and other food help. Pantry hours, details and websites are […]
United Way -Cleveland
Description: Just a few of our results during the past twelve months: More than 577,000 meals were served. 4,516 people received emergency shelter services. 3,285 people accessed medications and/or […]
FoodPantries.Org – Dallas
We have listed all of the Dallas food pantries that we have found in an effort that no one go hungry. FoodPantries.org works hard to gather the best government […]
Salvation Army – Shreveport, LA
Salvation Army The Social Services Department assists qualifying community members with food boxes, utility and rental assistance, special seasonal needs and disaster relief coordination of clothing and items for the […]
Tarrant Area Food Bank (TAFB)
Tarrant Area Food Bank Our primary feeding program is the distribution of food to our network of hunger-relief charities that provide emergency groceries, meals and snacks to Texans in […]
Shreveport Housing Authority – Shreveport, LA
Shreveport Housing Authority The housing authority strives to empower residents of the City of Shreveport with the ability to achieve self-sufficiency and financial independence by providing affordable housing, employment opportunities, […]
Ministry Assistance of the Near Northwest Alliance (MANNA)
The Ministry Assistance of the Near Northwest Alliance (MANNA) offers several services to the northwest quadrant of Houston (77007, 77008, 77009, 77018, 77022, 77037, 77040, 77076, 77088, 77091, and 77092): […]
Volunteers of America North Louisiana – Baton Rouge & Shreveport, LA
Volunteers of America North Louisiana Through our hundreds of human service programs, including housing and healthcare, Volunteers of America touches the lives of almost 1.3 million people in over 400 […]
Covenant House Texas
Covenant House Texas exclusively works with homeless youth ages 18-24, including pregnant and parenting teens with children. They offer the following services: Housing Programs: CHT has a drop-in center which […]
2-1-1 Tennessee
2-1-1 Tennessee One of the easiest ways to get help is by dialing 2-1-1, Tennessee’s community services help line. When you call, you’ll get a real person, one who is […]
Hawaii 2-1-1
Hawaii 2-1-1 Aloha United Way (AUW) encourages individuals of all walks of life to join our movement–together–to create hope and change the landscape of our community for the better. More […]
Cypress Assistance Ministries
Cypress Assistance Ministries (CAM) offers the following services(services provided to residents of zip codes 77065, 77095, 77429, and 77433): Rent/Mortgage/Utilities: CAM may pay a portion of the client’s current month […]
Christian Community Service Center
The Christian Community Service Center (CCSC) offers the following services in southwest and central Houston (Their primary service area is most of the Inner Loop, the Galleria area, the Gulfton […]
Honolulu Habitat for Humanity
Honolulu Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization operated on Christian principles that seeks to put God’s love into action by building homes, […]
Baton Rouge Housing Authority – Baton Rouge, LA
Baton Rouge Housing Authority The East Baton Rouge Housing Authority was established in 1941 to provide a decent home and suitable living environment for low-income families. The Housing Act of […]
Metropoloitan Social Services – Nashville, TN
Metropolitan Social Services Metropolitan Social Services (MSS) provides a range of services to help Davidson County residents who are in need. These services promote positive change for individuals and families […]
Southeast Area Ministries
SeAM offers the following services. (They only serve the following zip codes: 77587, 77017, 77034, 77061, 77075, 77087, 77089): Food Pantry: The food pantry offers nutritious food. They also offer […]
TN Department of Human Resources – Nashville, TN
TN Department of Human Resources Services / Programs: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Families First Child Care Services Child Support Community Services Block Grant Social Services Block Grant Nutrition Programs […]
Parents And Children Together (PACT) of Honolulu, HI
Parents And Children Together (PACT) Provides individual and group services for offenders, victims, and child witnesses of domestic violence. URL: http://www.pacthawaii.org/oahu_peace_center.html Address: 1505 Dillingham Blvd, Suite 208, Honolulu, HI 96817 Hotline 24/7: […]
The Salvation Army-Greater Houston Area Command
The Salvation Army assists Houston area residents with the following services: Housing: The Salvation Army offers financial assistance and case management to help clients avoid being homeless. They […]
Family Safety Center of Memphis, TN
Family Safety Center of Memphis The Family Safety Center is one location that effectively combines civil, criminal, health and social services for victims of family violence. By co-locating the services […]
The Exchange Club Family Center of Memphis, TN
The Exchange Club Family Center Since 1982 the Family Center has been a source of hope for families dealing with anger and violence. Through trauma-focused counseling, group therapy, and education […]
Feeding Hawaii Together
Feeding Hawaii Together Our services are designed to meet the needs of Honolulu’s working poor as well as the elderly and disabled living on fixed incomes. These are our “clients.” […]
Catholic Charities Hawaii
Catholic Charities Hawaii Serving Hawaii since 1947, Catholic Charities Hawaii provides a wide range of social services with dignity, compassion, social justice, and a commitment to excellence. Through programs and […]
The Mary Parrish Center – Nashville, TN
The Mary Parrish Center In addition to safe, individual apartments, the MPC provides a wide range of flexible and optional support services including assistance with the Order of Protection process, […]
Catholic Charities of Galveston-Houston
Catholic Charities offers the following services in the Houston Area: Blessed Beginnings Life Center: This program offers free pregnancy and parenting classes in English and Spanish. They work with families […]
Habitat for Humanity ReStore of Honolulu, HI
Habitat for Humanity ReStore of Honolulu Honolulu ReStore is a nonprofit home improvement store and donation center that sells new and gently used furniture, appliances, building materials and home accessories […]
Woodbine Community Organization – Nashville, TN
Woodbine Community Organization It can be very difficult for low-income people to secure safe, dependable, and attractive housing within a limited budget. Woodbine Community Organization is here to help by […]
Mid-South Food Bank of Memphis, TN
Mid-South Food Bank Our Mission is to change lives by eliminating hunger in the Mid-South. By providing food for families, children and seniors, we impact their lives by solving one […]
Nashville Dental Center – Nashville, TN
Nashville Dental Center Services / Procedures: Cleanings & Prevention Cosmetic Dentistry Periodontal Disease Restorations Orthodontics Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Periodontics Endodontics Dental Anxiety and Fear Sedation Dentistry Dental Emergencies […]
Catholic Charities of West Tennessee
Catholic Charities of West Tennessee Serving people of all ages and from all walks of life, Catholic Charities of West Tennessee (CCWTN), is the social services arm of the Catholic […]
USDA Summer Food Programs -Columbia
During the school year, many children receive a free and reduced-price breakfast and lunch through the School Breakfast and National School Lunch Program. When schools let out, many children are […]
Habitat for Humanity ReStore of Memphis, TN
Habitat for Humanity ReStore The ReStore sells new and gently used furniture, appliances, building supplies and housewares at discount prices. The Memphis ReStore is proudly owned and operated by Habitat […]
Gulf Coast Community Services Association
The Gulf Coast Community Services Association provides the following services: The GCCSA Head Start program is an early childhood development program for children ages 3-5 from low-income families. They have […]
Little Rock Compassion Center – Little Rock, AR
Little Rock Compassion Center Refuge center for the homeless. Services given: Meals provided 3 times a day, 365 days a year Shelter for Men, Women and Families (250 Beds) Recovery […]
The Salvation Army Family Store – Little Rock, AR
The Salvation Army Family Store Ways We Help: Help Disaster Survivors Cure Hunger Overcome Poverty Serve the LGBTQ Community Provide Shelter Fight Human Trafficking Stop Domestic Abuse Equip Families […]
Family Promise of Pulaski County – Little Rock, AR
Family Promise of Pulaski County About Family Promise: Family Promise works in partnership with local congregations, we offer homeless families (our guests) safe shelter, nutritious meals, warm hospitality, transportation and […]
Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV) – Little Rock, AR
Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV) ABOUT ACADV The Arkansas Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ACADV) is a nonprofit organization that has served both rural and urban areas of Arkansas since […]
Union Rescue Mission – Little Rock, AR
Union Rescue Mission Dorcas House (Open 24/7): The Dorcas House reaches out to women and children of Central Arkansas with the compassion Christ. Housing, classes, counseling, daily chapel time […]
Our House – Little Rock, AR
Our House Our House provides a comprehensive array of services to equip our clients with the skills, resources, and confidence to overcome homelessness permanently. These services include on-campus housing, a […]
St. Francis House – Little Rock, AR
St. Francis House The early program was one of outreach to the neighborhood which included informal personal counseling, small group study, social fellowship, and recreation. The current emphasis of the […]
Metropolitan Housing Alliance (MHA) – Little Rock, AR
Metropolitan Housing Alliance (MHA) MHA prides itself on administering federal subsidized housing and housing assistance to low-income persons and families within the city of Little Rock, Arkansas. Housing Programs: Public […]
Richland County Public Health Department -Columbia
Description: Public Health related services offered: Family Planning STD/HIV Immunizations NFP TB WIC Services URL: http://www.scdhec.gov/Health/PublicHealthClinics/LocationsHoursContactInfo/ Address: 2000 Hampton St. Columbia, SC 29204 Phone Number: (803)576-2980, (855)472-3432 (for appts) Hours: 8:30 am-5:00 pm
Wateree Community Actions, Inc. -Columbia
Description: Administering programs to help communities and families by enhancing social and economic self-sufficiency through coordinating and partnering relationships and by conducting a range of custom designed services and activities geared […]
Ecumenical Ministries, Inc. – Mobile, AL
Ecumenical Ministries, Inc. If you are experiencing a time of economic hardship and are finding it hard to meet your family’s immediate needs, we can help. Ecumenical Ministries can offer […]
Catholic Social Services – Mobile, AL
OUR MISSION The mission of Catholic Social Services in the Archdiocese of Mobile is to provide service to people in need, to advocate for justice in social structures, and to […]
Houston Area Urban League
The Houston Area Urban League offers the following services: Services for parents and children include academic guidance and support for children from birth to age 18. This guidance includes assistance […]
Women in Crisis Shelter
Women in Crisis Shelter We provide shelter for homeless women. Address: 9030 Broadus Loop Rd, Eight Mile, AL 36613 Phone: (251) 649-9440
Penelope House – Mobile, AL
Penelope House The mission of Penelope House is to provide safety, protection, and support to the victims of Domestic Violence and their children through the provision shelter, advocacy, and individual […]
Senior Resources, Inc. -Columbia
Description: The agency coordinates services, provides resources and encourages the senior citizens to remain independent. They provide long-term home health care, home delivered meals (Meals on Wheels), Wellness […]
Union Gospel Mission – Dallas
UGM is a faith based homeless shelter providing food, beds and clothing to the homeless men, women and children in Dallas County. In an effort to help break the […]
Salvation Army Services of Memphis, TN
Salvation Army of Memphis & Mid-South To Heal Memphis, it takes an Army! Recognized for its iconic Red Kettles campaign which provides a vital portion of budget dollars, The Salvation […]
Volunteers of America Texas-Houston
The Houston office of Volunteers of America offers the following services: One-on-one financial coaching including financial literacy workshops and tax season assistance. Assistance with applying for food stamps and health […]
Abused Women Services of YWCA of Memphis, TN
YWCA Abused Women Services The YWCA Greater Memphis is dedicated to breaking the cycle of domestic violence. The YWCA Greater Memphis has offered domestic violence programs since 1982. Abused Women […]
Calvary Rescue Mission for Homeless Men of Memphis, TN
Calvary Rescue Mission CALVARY Rescue Mission is a non-profit, independent, faith-based shelter for homeless men in Memphis, TN. We serve two full meals a day, offer clothing to the homeless, […]
Institute for Human Services of Honolulu, HI
Institute for Human Services (IHS) Homeless outreaching by providing emergency and specialty shelters. We provide food, housing assistance, and employment assistance. URL: https://ihshawaii.org/# Address: 546 Kaaahi Street, Honolulu, HI 96817 Phone: (808) 447-2800
Harvest Hope Food Bank-Columbia
Description: The Harvest Hope Food Bank provides for the needs of hungry people by gathering and sharing quality food with dignity, compassion and education. URL: http://www.harvesthope.org/ Address: 2220 Shop Road […]
Able SC Center for Independent Living (CIL)-Columbia
Description: Able SC provides access and opportunities through empowering individuals with disabilities to live active, self-determined lives through advocacy, service and support. Able SC offers five core services: Information […]
Next Step Shelter of Honolulu, HI
Next Step Shelter Services include: Emergency shelter for couples and individuals Housing placement assistance Job training Referrals for medical care Behavioral health Tobacco Cessation Treatment Obtain documents (State ID, social security card, etc.) […]
Housing Counseling Agency of Memphis, TN
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Approved Housing Counseling Agency Financial Management/Budget Counseling Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling Pre-purchase Counseling Pre-purchase homebuyer Education Workshop Homebuyer Education Class […]
Hawaii State Department of Health – Adult Mental Health Division
Hawaii State Department of Health – Adult Mental Health Division (AMHD) Offers case management and support services for homeless outreach, peer coaches, representative payee, and treatment planning. To check for […]
Hawaii Public Housing and Rent Supplement
Hawaii Public Housing Authority Helps provide residents with affordable housing and shelter to low-income individuals and families without discrimination. Applicant must meet the following: Must be 18 years old or […]
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) of Honolulu, HI
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) LIHEAP provides heating and/or cooling assistance to needy Hawaii households by assisting with payments towards their utility bill (electric or gas) in two […]
DSS South Carolina Department of Social Services: Richland County
Description: The Department’s mission is to serve South Carolina by promoting the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and vulnerable adults, helping individuals achieve stability and strengthening families. Has offices […]
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) providing Federal grants to States for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and […]
The mission of the Housing Crisis Center is to prevent homelessness and to stabilize those at risk in decent, affordable, and permanent housing, and to empower them to solve their own housing problems […]
Memphis Housing Authority
Memphis Housing Authority Section 8 housing for low income families. Income caps range from $21,000 for individuals up to $39,600 for eight-member households. Visit https://memphisha.org/index.php/apply-for-public-housing for application details. URL: https://memphisha.org/ Address: 700 Adams Avenue, […]
Department of Human Services of Memphis, TN
Department of Human Services – Shelby County The Department is responsible for administering numerous services throughout Tennessee, including Families First, the state’s Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, Food […]
Health Department Family and Child Services of Memphis, TN
Shelby County Health Department The health department offers many programs and services, such as clinical, dental, WIC, family planning, etc. See more details below. URL: http://www.shelbytnhealth.com/ Address: 814 Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, […]